Jessica Alba的母乳喂养自拍照总结了做妈妈的感受

Jessica Alba的母乳喂养自拍照总结了做妈妈的感受


36岁的女演员兼企业家杰西卡·阿尔巴(Jessica Alba)周五与Target的新生儿海耶斯(Hayes)发生了关系,当时她的宝宝需要母乳喂养。寻找一个地方,阿尔巴走进一间试衣间.

jessicaalba / Instagram




出生在新年前夜的海耶斯是阿尔巴与丈夫Cash Warren的第三个孩子,加入9岁的女儿Honor Marie和6岁的Haven Garner。.


阿尔巴告诉今天,“任何一个突然有很少人依赖他们生存的妈妈都需要保持自己的自我意识。” “你需要减少一些松懈,咬掉你可以咀嚼的东西。事情将受到损害,你只需要对此感到满意。“


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “So many mothers can relate to this. On Friday, 36-year-old actress and entrepreneur Jessica Alba had a moment with Targets newborn Hayes when her baby needed to be breastfed. Looking for a place, Alba walked into a fitting room. “Breastfeeding in a Target fitting room.” “Tired eyes,” and: On Instagram, the actress and Honest Company co-founder shared a very real motherhood moment captioning her and the newborns selfie. Target has a breastfeeding-friendly policy that includes support for nursing “in any area of our store, including our fitting rooms, even if others are waiting.” According to reports, Target has been testing designated nursing stations in some locations. This is something we hope to see more of! The “Dark Angel” actress is candid and proud of her 7-week-old breastfeeding, sharing the latest news on social media before the Golden Globes, watching Netflix, and even going to a spa. Born on New Years Eve, Hayes is Alba and husband Cash Warrens third child, joining 9-year-old daughter Honor Marie and 6-year-old Haven Garner. Despite all her success, Alba still feels all the typical pressures of motherhood, including impromptu nursing breaks. Alba told Today, “Any mom who suddenly has very few people depending on them for survival needs to keep their self-awareness.” “You need to cut some slack, bite off what you can chew. Things will suffer, and you just have to be okay with that.” “I just pray that my kids are happy,” the strong mom said in 2015. “If they laugh more than they cry, if theyre curious and talkative, then I know theyre good.”

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