在分享了婴儿英里的新照片之后,Chrissy Teigen’全都谈论IVF’

在分享了婴儿英里的新照片之后,Chrissy Teigen’全都谈论IVF’

Chrissy Teigen认为很少有主题可供公众讨论。自上个月儿子出生以来,她一直在谈论产后内衣和阴道蒸汽.



在Teigen在Instagram上发布了一张她刚出生的儿子的新照片后,Miles–穿着长颈鹿印花连体衣,躺在长颈鹿印花毯上 – 有人问Teigen她是否用IVF来设想她的儿子.





虽然Instagram上的一些人批评提问者Teigen的东西如此个人化,但这位32岁的“Lip Sync Battle”主持人表示她很高兴有机会谈论经常令人心碎的生育治疗世界.

“我没有被它冒犯 – 人们只是好奇,我认为听到成功的故事给了人们希望。我全都是为了谈论体外受精,“她写道.

克丽丝 Teigen and John Legend
Chrissy Teigen和她的丈夫John Legend一直公开谈论这对夫妇成为父母的艰难历程.盖蒂图片

正准备出版她的第二本食谱的泰根公开公开谈论她怀孕的挣扎。在2015年关于她前脱口秀节目“FABLife”的讨论中,她谈到了她和她的丈夫John Legend试图怀孕的困难。.

“如果事情发生的话,我们五年,六年前会有孩子,”她说。 “但我的天哪,这是一个过程。”

这对夫妇最终在2016年迎来了他们的女儿Luna.Little Miles于5月加入了这个家庭.

Chrissy Teigen:John Legend类似于这个孩子的书中角色


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a comment in English on the topic:

    It is refreshing to see public figures like Chrissy Teigen openly discussing their struggles with infertility and the use of IVF. It helps to break down the stigma surrounding these issues and gives hope to those going through similar experiences. While some may criticize the personal nature of the questions asked, Teigens willingness to share her story is admirable and can inspire others to do the same. It is important to have more open discussions about infertility and reproductive health to promote understanding and support for those who need it.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a comment in English on the topic:

    It is refreshing to see public figures like Chrissy Teigen openly discussing their struggles with infertility and the use of IVF. It helps to break down the stigma surrounding these issues and gives hope to those going through similar experiences. While some may criticize the personal nature of the questions asked, Teigens willingness to share her story is admirable and can inspire others to do the same. It is important to have more open discussions about infertility and reproductive health to promote understanding and support for those who need it.

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