تبدأ كريستينا أغيليرا عطلة نهاية الأسبوع بأفضل طريقة مع حفل موسيقي في ساحة TODAY

تبدأ كريستينا أغيليرا عطلة نهاية الأسبوع بأفضل طريقة مع حفل موسيقي في ساحة TODAY

كانت كريستينا أغيليرا ترقى إلى أقدامنا وتؤمن ب “الجني في زجاجة” لأكثر من 20 عامًا ، وبدأت يوم الجمعة في بدء عطلة نهاية الأسبوع بمظهر رائع للغاية لسلسلة حفلات الصيف من سيتي على TODAY!

كريستينا أغيليرا: أتجول “لأعود إلى ما أقوم به بشكل أفضل”


كان أغيليرا في كل شبر من آلهة البوب. التقطت سيلفي مع اثنين من المشجعين الخاصين الذين وصلوا من البرازيل ، ثم أطلقت في عام 2003 أغنية “لا يمكن أن تمسك بنا”.

كريستينا أغيليرا تؤدي أغنية “لا يمكن الإمساك بنا” مباشرة على TODAY


في وقت لاحق ، عالجت كل شخص إلى أغنية “Fall In Line” الجديدة (المسجلة مع Demi Lovato) و أغنية أخرى عام 2003 ، “Fighter”.

“Fall In Line” هي في الواقع من ألبوم استوديو Aguilera الثامن “Liberation” الذي تم إصداره في 15 حزيران – وستصطدم بالطريق لأول مرة خلال عقد من الزمن في شهر سبتمبر لإظهاره.

كما قالت لـ TODAY ، لقد مضى وقت طويل منذ أن لعبت الحفلات الموسيقية. وقالت “في آخر مرة كنت في جولة كنت حاملا مع ابني”. “هذا جنون!”

لدى أغيليرا ، 37 سنة ، طفلين الآن: ماكس ، 10 ؛ والصيف ، 3. وعلينا أن نتساءل عما إذا كانت ستحضرهم على الطريق!

بغض النظر عما تقرره ، يعرف أغيليرا شيئًا مؤكدًا. وقالت: “كنت مثل ، يجب أن تعود ماما إلى ما أقوم به بشكل أفضل”. “يجب أن أعود على الطريق ، يجب أن أعود إلى معجبي. حررهم ونفسي مرة أخرى.”

اتبع راندي الفجر على تويتر.

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Christina Aguilera has been rising to our feet and believing in “Genie in a Bottle” for over 20 years, and she started her weekend with a stunning appearance for the summer concert series of City on TODAY! Aguilera was every inch the pop goddess. She took a selfie with two special fans who came from Brazil, then performed her 2003 hit “Cant Hold Us Down.” Later, she treated everyone to her new song “Fall In Line” (recorded with Demi Lovato) and another 2003 hit, “Fighter.” “Fall In Line” is actually from Aguileras eighth studio album “Liberation,” which was released on June 15 – and shell be hitting the road for the first time in a decade in September to show it off. As she told TODAY, its been a long time since she played live shows. “The last time I was on tour, I was pregnant with my son.” “Thats crazy!” Aguilera, 37, now has two children: Max, 10; and Summer, 3. And we have to wonder if shell bring them on the road! Regardless of what she decides, Aguilera knows one thing for sure. “I was like, Mamas got to get back to what she does best.” “Ive got to get back on the road, Ive got to get back to fans. Free them and myself again.”

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Christina Aguilera has been rising to our feet and believing in “Genie in a Bottle” for over 20 years, and she started her weekend with a stunning appearance for the summer concert series of City on TODAY! Aguilera was every inch the pop goddess. She took a selfie with two special fans who came from Brazil, then performed her 2003 hit “Cant Hold Us Down.” Later, she treated everyone to her new song “Fall In Line” (recorded with Demi Lovato) and another 2003 hit, “Fighter.” “Fall In Line” is actually from Aguileras eighth studio album “Liberation,” which was released on June 15 – and shell be hitting the road for the first time in a decade in September to show it off. As she told TODAY, its been a long time since she played live shows. “The last time I was on tour, I was pregnant with my son.” “Thats crazy!” Aguilera, 37, now has two children: Max, 10; and Summer, 3. And we have to wonder if shell bring them on the road! Regardless of what she decides, Aguilera knows one thing for sure. “I was like, Mamas got to get back to what she does best.” “Ive got to get back on the road, Ive got to get back to fans. Free them and myself again.”

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