حزام في ، الجميع! Miley Cyrus يعود لجولة أخرى من Carpool Karaoke في “The Late Late Show”!
انزلقت مغنية “الأصغر سنا” و “صوت” إلى جانب مضيفه جيمس كوردن في عرض ليلة الثلاثاء لإخراج بعض من ألحانها المفضلة ، كما تبين ، لمساعدته في إرسال بعض الرسائل التي يبدو أنه كان بحاجة لإرسالها.
رأينا آخر مرة سيروس ، 24 عاما ، في السيارة في أغسطس عندما توالت هي وعائلتها الموسيقية (بما في ذلك أبي بيلي راي سايروس) للقيام بجولة حول لوس انجليس وهي ترتدي الشعر المستعار وتغني الأغاني مثل فيلمه “آشي بريكي هارت”.
ولكن هذه المرة كان كل مايلي ، وهذا يعني التفجير من خلال ضربات مثل “الحزب في الولايات المتحدة” ، “الكرة المدمرة” ، “ماليبو” و “لا يمكننا التوقف”.
في هذه الأثناء ، استفاد كوردن من لسان سيروس البارز المميز لترطيب بعض الطوابع البريدية ، التي كانت تضحك دون رقابة. وعلمنا أيضا أن سايروس هو على ما يبدو سائق متستر مروع!
وأشارت أيضًا إلى كيفية نضجها من أيامها “هانا مونتانا” ، وتعلمت تقدير أدوارها السابقة وشخصيتها الحالية. قالت بحكمة: “على الجميع أن يعتنقوا من اعتادوا أن يكونوا ، لأنه جعلكم من أنت الآن”.
لقد قضوا وقتًا رائعًا ، لكن سايروس (الذي اشتهر بحبها للماريجوانا) اقترح أن يكونوا قد ركلوها إلى أعلى درجة: “لكان من الممتع أكثر إذا قمنا بتبريد هذا الشيء” ، للتدخين في مكان مغلق.
نعتقد أن لديهم وقت رائع بغض النظر!
اتبع راندي الفجر على تويتر.
مايلي سايروس ، بليك شيلتون وغيرها من نجوم ‘صوت’ وليمة مع كارسون دالي
As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:
“Strap in, everyone! Miley Cyrus is back for another Carpool Karaoke tour on “The Late Late Show”! The “youngest” and “voice” singer slipped alongside her host James Corden in a Tuesday night show to bring out some of her favorite tunes, as it turns out, to help him send some messages he seemed to need to send. We last saw Cyrus, 24, in the car in August when she and her musical family (including dad Billy Ray Cyrus) toured around Los Angeles wearing wigs and singing songs like her movie “Ashley Breaky Heart.” But this time it was all Miley, which means blasting through hits like “Party in the USA,” “Wrecking Ball,” “Malibu,” and “We Cant Stop.” Meanwhile, Corden took advantage of Cyrus distinctive tongue to moisten some postage stamps, which laughed without censorship. We also learned that Cyrus is apparently a terrifying undercover driver! Party in C.A.R. with Miley and James! CBS also pointed out how she matured from her “Hannah Montana” days, learned to appreciate her past roles and current personality. She wisely said, “Everyone should embrace who they used to be, because it made you who you are now.” They had a great time, but Cyrus (who is known for her love of marijuana) suggested they may have kicked it up a notch: “It would be more fun if we chilled this thing,” to smoke in an enclosed space. We think they had a great time regardless! Follow Randy Dawn on Twitter. Miley Cyrus, Blake Shelton, and other “Voice” stars feast with Carson Daly Oct.09.2017 04:46 Share on TwitterShare on FacebookShare on WhatsAppShare on LinkedInShare on Pinterest”
As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:
“Strap in, everyone! Miley Cyrus is back for another Carpool Karaoke tour on “The Late Late Show”! The young singer and “Voice” star slid alongside host James Corden on Tuesday nights show to belt out some of her favorite tunes and help him send some messages he seemed to need to get out. We last saw Cyrus, 24, in the car in August when she and her musical family (including dad Billy Ray Cyrus) took a tour around Los Angeles wearing wigs and singing songs like her hit “Achy Breaky Heart.” But this time it was all Miley, which meant blasting through hits like “Party in the USA,” “Wrecking Ball,” “Malibu” and “We Cant Stop.” Meanwhile, Corden made the most of Cyrus distinctive tongue to moisten some postage stamps, which she laughed at without restraint. We also learned that Cyrus is apparently a terrifying undercover driver! Party in the C.A.R. with Miley and James! CBS also pointed out how she has matured from her “Hannah Montana” days, learning to appreciate her past roles and current persona. She wisely said, “Everyone should embrace who they used to be, because it made you who you are now.” They had a great time, but Cyrus (who is known for her love of marijuana) suggested they may have kicked it up a notch: “It would be more fun if we smoked this,” she said, in an enclosed space. We think they had a great time regardless! Follow Randy Dawn on Twitter. Miley Cyrus, Blake Shelton and other Voice stars feast with Carson Daly Oct.09.201704:46 Share on TwitterShare on FacebookShare on WhatsAppShare on LinkedInShare on Pinterest”