第一个’单身女’,Trista Sutter,在家庭度假时遭受癫痫发作

第一个’单身女’,Trista Sutter,在家庭度假时遭受癫痫发作

美国广播公司“单身女郎”中的第一位明星特里斯塔·萨特(Trista Sutter)周四在欧洲家庭度假时因死亡而死.


“这是我昨天……在我癫痫发作两小时后,”她在当地时间周五晚上发布。 “…我跪在女儿的胸前两小时后,她和她的兄弟和祖父母一起看着她的妈妈茫然地盯着远处开始变成蓝色,这让她感到困惑和恐惧。”


这家人一直在为“欧洲最美丽的国家公园之一”进行一次冒险。在突然崩溃之后,她的丈夫Ryan Sutter(2004年的“Bachelorette”)的声音震惊了她的“一个欣喜的白色梦想”。 “她嫁给了参赛者”,还有她8岁的女儿Blakesley Grace.

“我最后在一家克罗地亚医院被戳戳并被催促,并想知道’为什么是我?’但今天,我不得不问,’为什么不是我?’”她写道。 “我有一个到期日。”



她写道:“我发誓尽最大努力过上这种生活。” “倾听,善待……作为妻子,母亲,姐妹,堂兄,侄女,阿姨,邻居,女儿和朋友,成为更好的自我。”

在她发布前几个小时,Ryan Sutter与他的儿子在海边攀爬岩石时分享了自己的照片。 “在海滩上,Mountain Men找到了岩石……啊,那更好,”他写道。 (这家人住在科罗拉多州的韦尔。)


在她的鼓舞人心的消息中,Trista Sutter感谢所有在癫痫发作后帮助她的人,向她的丈夫Ryan致敬,“没有你,我不知道我今天会在这里。你是我的一切,我永远爱你“。

婚姻 Boot Camp: Reality Stars event
2014年5月29日在纽约市举行的Catch Rooftop婚礼新手活动:Ryan Sutter和Trista Sutter参加婚礼新星活动.Chance Yeh / FilmMagic

萨特斯于2003年底结婚,是“单身汉”和“单身女郎”系列中最长的幸存婚姻。这位电视明星前身为Trista Rehm,在Alex Michel的“The Bachelor”第一季被拒绝,随后被邀请担任新单片“The Bachelorette”的主演。



为什么Trista Sutter说她的婚姻和其他“单身汉”夫妻无法生存

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the article in English:

    Trista Sutter, the first star of the American Broadcasting Companys “The Bachelorette,” died on Thursday while on a family vacation in Europe. She shared a harsh selfie on Instagram taken from a hospital bed in Croatia. “This was me yesterday…two hours after I had a seizure,” she posted on Friday evening local time. “…I knelt in front of my daughters chest for two hours, and she and her brother and grandparents watched as her mother stared blankly into the distance and began turning blue, which confused and frightened her.”

    The family had been on an adventure to “one of the most beautiful national parks in Europe.” After the sudden collapse, the voice of her husband Ryan Sutter (the 2004 “Bachelorette”) shocked her out of “a euphoric white dream.” “She married a contestant,” as well as her 8-year-old daughter Blakesley Grace. “I ended up being poked and prodded in a Croatian hospital, wondering why me?” she wrote. “But today, I had to ask, why not me?”

    Although the 44-year-old mother of two (she also has a 9-year-old son, Max) said she didnt expect it to come so soon, she was “reminded yesterday that it could come anytime, in any country, whether Im surrounded by strangers or people I love, or neither, or both.” She urged her Instagram followers to cherish happy moments in life. “I vow to try my best to live this life to the fullest,” she wrote. “To stress less. To love more. To listen. Be kind. Spread joy. To be a better version of myself as a wife, mother, sister, cousin, niece, aunt, neighbor, daughter, and friend.”

    In her inspiring message, Trista Sutter thanked everyone who helped her after her seizure and paid tribute to her husband Ryan, “Without you, I dont know that I would be here today. You are my everything, and I love you forevermore.” The Sutters married at the end of 2003 and have the longest surviving marriage in “The Bachelor” and “The Bachelorette” series. The TV star, formerly Trista Rehm, was rejected in the first season of “

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