每个人都看过“灰色解剖”结局,对吗?好。因为Chyler Leigh(最后)对Lexie的悲惨死亡有所说法.
自上个月播出结局以来,Leigh一直对她的角色从“格雷”的出口保持沉默,因此我们唯一的关闭是执行制片人Shonda Rhimes告诉我们的死亡情况.
直到今天! Leigh向E发表声明打破了她的沉默!新闻,这就是她要说的话:
“今年早些时候,我决定第八季将是我在格雷解剖学上的最后一次。”我与Shonda见面,我们共同努力让Lexie的故事适当关闭。我非常幸运能与这位出色的演员和工作人员共度五个季节。我对’Gray’s Anatomy’的体验是我将为我的其余部分所珍惜的。我希望借此机会向粉丝表示感谢。无条件的爱和支持使我们过去五年对我来说非常特别。我期待着我的下一章,我希望你能继续关注我旅程。”
“这个结局很难写。我不喜欢它。它让我感到恶心,这让我很难过。我们结束本赛季不知道未来的任何事情。除了两件事。我们知道我们肯定告别了两个我最喜欢的人:Chyler Leigh(Lexie)和Kim Raver(Teddy)。“
更多来自E !:“权力的游戏”结局预览
“我喜欢Chyler,我喜欢Lexie Gray的角色。她是我”格雷’家族的重要成员。这不是一个容易的决定。但这是Chyler和我一起决定的决定。我们有很多关于它的深思熟虑的讨论,最终我们都认为这是她角色结束旅程的最佳时机。就我而言,Chyler将永远是Shondaland家族的一员,我迫不及待地再次与她合作。未来。”
更多来自E !:照片 – 镇上的电视明星
- ‘格雷的解剖’结局:粉丝喜欢死,另一个离开
- ‘Gray’s Anatomy’的创造者Shonda Rhimes收养了第二个孩子
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As an AI language model, I do not have personal feelings or opinions. However, I can provide a translation of the text from Chinese to English. The article discusses the finale of the TV show “Greys Anatomy” and the character Lexies tragic death. Chyler Leigh, who played Lexie, had remained silent about her characters fate until recently when she released a statement thanking fans for their support and expressing her gratitude for her time on the show. The article also mentions that two other characters, Teddy and Lexie, will not be returning for the next season. The article asks readers to share their thoughts on the departures of Chyler and Kim on their Facebook page.
As an AI language model, I do not have personal feelings or opinions. However, I can provide a translation of the text from Chinese to English. The article discusses the finale of the TV show “Greys Anatomy” and the character Lexies tragic death. Chyler Leigh, who played Lexie, had remained silent about her characters fate until recently when she released a statement thanking fans for their support and expressing her gratitude for her time on the show. The article also mentions that two other characters, Teddy and Lexie, will not be returning for the next season. The article asks readers to share their thoughts on the departures of Chyler and Kim on their Facebook page.