


布拉德利 - 库珀 - 今天 - 160126
布拉德利·库珀于2015年12月3日星期四在洛杉矶的Chateau Marmont参加了年度GQ男子年会。 (摄影:Jordan Strauss / Invision / AP)乔丹施特劳斯/美联社

“但是这句话上面的那个人看起来就像布拉德利库珀一样,”你可能会说。嗯,是的那是因为 家伙是真正的布拉德利库珀,一个获得奥斯卡奖提名的演员,其电影作品包括“宿醉”,“银色衬里剧本”和“欢乐”。你知道这一点,因为你可能在过去的五年里一直在电视或电影屏幕附近.




看,我们不是说有 没有 相似之处,但精明的粉丝知道B-Coop的本质不仅仅是留着胡子,在犹他州一年一度的A-list活动中穿着豆豆和嬉戏。安全在本周六实现了,当时这个假冒 – 或许,令人难以置信的时尚,另一个?据第六页报道,他试图让帕克城派对参加电影“白人女孩”并采取行动.

“[自称是库珀的男人]说,’你做完了!’并且不会给出身份证,“据报道,一位消息人士告诉Page Six。 “他在iPhone上按了一个按钮,并将”宿醉“作为他的屏幕保护程序。”



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the impersonator of Bradley Cooper who has been caught after the explosion incident at the Sundance Film Festival. The article also highlights the differences between the impersonator and the real Bradley Cooper, including his acting career and personal style. The impersonator was caught trying to attend a party for the movie “White Girl” without proper identification. The article also mentions the suspicious iPhone wallpaper of the impersonator, which was different from the real Bradley Coopers phone background.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the impersonator of Bradley Cooper who has been caught after the explosion incident at the Sundance Film Festival. The article also highlights the differences between the impersonator and the real Bradley Cooper, including his acting career and personal style. The impersonator was caught trying to attend a party for the movie “White Girl” without proper identification. The article also mentions the suspicious iPhone wallpaper of the impersonator, which was different from the real Bradley Coopers phone background.

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