根据查克·诺里斯(Chuck Norris)的说法,美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)和他的政府正在幕后工作,创建一个“亲同性恋美国童子军”。
周二,这位动作明星发表了一篇关于射击体育新闻网站AmmoLand.com的文章,指责奥巴马政府支付了童子军的全国董事会成员詹姆斯·特里(他是退休的全球董事长兼会计师事务所安永会计师事务所首席执行官) ,改变组织,禁止同性恋童军领袖和童子军.
这几乎不是诺里斯对奥巴马政府的第一次抨击。 2010年,他为“世界网络日报”撰写了一篇专栏文章,批评了一项关于国际刑警组织的行政命令,声称奥巴马签署了该命令,以便他可以隐藏公众对反恐战争的记录。.
周三晚上,诺里斯在Facebook上发表了对他评论的澄清说:“我并没有批评同性恋社区,”他写道。 “我在文章中试图表达的是,在法律范围内运作的私人组织不应该被迫改变其基于外部压力的原则和传统……(BSA)应该能够继续生活在一个世纪以来为这个组织工作和服务的传统。“
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As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or beliefs. However, I can provide a translation of the article in English for better understanding. The article discusses Chuck Norris accusations against the Obama administration for allegedly creating a “pro-gay Boy Scouts of America” and paying off James Turley, a member of the Boy Scouts of Americas national board of directors, to change the organizations policies. Norris questions Turleys motives and his close relationship with the Obama administration. The article also mentions the history of the Boy Scouts of Americas stance on homosexuality and recent changes to allow individual units to accept gay leaders. GLAAD responds to Norris article, criticizing his views and suggesting he speak with Mitt Romney, who supports the inclusion of all Americans in the Boy Scouts of America regardless of sexual orientation.
As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or beliefs. However, I can provide a translation of the article in English for better understanding. The article discusses Chuck Norris accusations against the Obama administration for allegedly creating a “pro-gay Boy Scouts of America” and paying off James Turley, a member of the Boy Scouts of Americas national board of directors, to change the organizations policies. Norris questions Turleys motives and his close relationship with the Obama administration. The article also mentions the history of the Boy Scouts of Americas stance on homosexuality and recent changes to allow individual units to accept gay leaders. GLAAD responds to Norris article, criticizing his views and suggesting he speak with Mitt Romney, who supports the inclusion of all Americans in the Boy Scouts of America regardless of sexual orientation.