

洛杉矶银河足球明星罗比罗杰斯在2013年改变了体育界的面貌,当时他成为北美五大体育联盟中第一位公开的同性恋运动员。在他的新书“走出去玩”中,他描述了生活在壁橱里的痛苦 – 在周二的一次采访中,他告诉特约记者玛丽亚施莱佛他认为需要改变运动,以便每个运动员,同性恋或同性恋,感觉团队的一部分.

罗杰斯的漂亮外表和快速的脚让他成为球迷的最爱,但体育文化让他感到孤立和羞愧,因为他暗中与同性恋斗争。作为一名大学球员,“我听说,’不要像一个男同性恋球一样传球’,”他告诉施莱佛。 “[它]让我思考,好吧,我从来没有出来玩这项运动,因为当他们发现时,他们不会想成为我的教练,或者我不能参加比赛足球了。“

在罗杰斯离开大学去职业选手之后,更衣室对女性和性的谈话使他觉得他必须保守秘密。 “有人会问我一个问题,我会说,’天哪,我得对此撒谎。’然后我会走极端的喜欢和女孩约会,你知道,和女孩一起睡觉。当你不得不隐藏那么多并且撒谎时,它就会在你内心创造出这个怪物。“

他告诉Shriver,直到他20多岁,当他和男朋友Greg Berlanti约会并出现在他的家人面前时,他终于找到了幸福。 “从我告诉我的姐妹,我的妈妈和我父亲的那一刻起,他们就告诉我,’我们非常爱你。这对我们来说没有任何改变,你就是这样创造的。’”



“罗比是一名优秀的足球运动员,你希望他能加入球队,就像那样简单,”他的队友A. J. DeLaGarza说道。.

“他首先是一名足球运动员,而且恰好是同性恋,”银河守门员Brian Rowe同意道.

罗杰斯刚刚与银河队签订了一份新合同,后者正在参加MLS季后赛。他的家人和男友将在看台上为他欢呼。他说,当他作为同性恋出来时,他希望还有其他仍在壁橱里的运动员联系他。但到目前为止还没有发生过。这就是为什么他写下了他的书,这本书今天出版,他说 – 改变体育文化.


“我会告诉教练,’你可能有一个同性恋球员’,”他回答道。 “要知道你在说什么以及你在想什么,因为从很小的时候开始,这些东西就会留在他们身上。”


  • 同性恋亲友
  • GLSEN(男女同性恋和直接教育网络)
  • 它获得了更好的项目
  • #ProudToPlay

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Los Angeles Galaxy football star Robbie Rogers changed the face of sports in 2013 when he became the first openly gay athlete in the top five North American sports leagues. In his new book “Coming Out to Play,” he describes the pain of living in the closet – in an interview on Tuesday, he told correspondent Maria Shriver that he believes sports need to change so that every athlete, gay or straight, feels like a part of the team. Rogers good looks and quick feet made him a fan favorite, but the sports culture made him feel isolated and ashamed as he struggled with his sexuality. As a college player, “I heard, Dont pass like a gay soccer player,” he told Shriver. “[It] made me think, well, Ive never come out to play this sport because when they find out, theyre not going to want to be my coach, or I wont be able to play soccer anymore.” After Rogers left college to become a professional player, locker room talk about women and sex made him feel like he had to keep his secret. “Someone would ask me a question, and Id say, Oh my God, I have to lie about this. Then Id go to the extreme of dating girls and sleeping with girls. When you have to hide so much and lie, it creates this monster inside of you.” He told Shriver that he finally found happiness when he started dating boyfriend Greg Berlanti in his mid-20s and appeared in front of his family. “From the moment I told my sisters, my mom and my dad, they told me, We love you so much. Theres no change for us. You were created this way.” But Rogers still feared being an “out” athlete. He quit soccer and offered support to groups like the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN). Speaking to young gay men and women, “Im just doing it by playing soccer again, where theres a symbol that can encourage and give people hope,” he told Shriver. In 2013, Rogers signed with the Los Angeles Galaxy, becoming the first openly gay male athlete in major league sports. But to his teammates, he was just one of the guys. “Robbie is a great soccer player, and you want him on your team, plain

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a comment on the topic of Robbie Rogers, the LA Galaxy football star who changed the face of sports in 2013 by becoming the first openly gay athlete in the top five North American sports leagues. It is inspiring to see how he overcame the pain of living in the closet and how he is now advocating for change in sports culture to make every athlete, regardless of their sexual orientation, feel like a part of the team. It is important to create a safe and inclusive environment for all athletes, and Rogers story is a reminder of the progress that still needs to be made. We should continue to support and empower LGBT youth and their families, and organizations like GLSEN are doing important work in this regard. Let us all work towards a more accepting and inclusive society. #ProudToPlay.

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