1600美元的Andy Warhol工作售价为3840万美元

1600美元的Andy Warhol工作售价为3840万美元

安迪·沃霍尔(Andy Warhol)的第一张自画像在周三春季艺术品销售中投入了精力,当时它在佳士得的战后和当代艺术拍卖会上飙升至3844万美元.

此次拍卖总额达到了3.01668亿美元,超过了预售量的预期,并创下了几位艺术家的记录。 65件作品中只有3件未能销售,因为95%的销售率非常高.













1986年安迪·沃霍尔(Andy Warhol)的自画像是他活着时展出的最后一幅画作,其售价为2750万美元.


图片: Andy Warhol's
这张由克里斯蒂拍摄的照片展示了安迪沃霍尔1986年的“自画像”,这是他活着时展出的最后一幅作品。佳士得拍卖行于2011年4月20日星期三表示,它将于5月11日在纽约出售鲜艳的黑色“自画像”。据估计,它将带来高达4000万美元的收入。 (美联社照片/佳士得)佳士得

画布上的丙烯酸和丝网印刷是1986年在沃霍尔去世前六个月在伦敦首次在Anthony d’Offay画廊展出的两幅黑色自画像之一。另一个是1992年在Ann和Anthony d’Offay捐赠的纽约古根海姆博物馆.




其他亮点包括1961年的无标题马克罗斯科(Mark Rothko)获得3370万美元,远远高于2200万美元的高估值.

纪录是为Cy Twombly设定的,其1967年的无题作品售价为1520万美元;和辛迪谢尔曼,他的1981年无标题彩色印刷品获得了389万美元,打破了任何拍卖照片的记录.

Richard Diebenkorn和Urs Fischer也创造了新纪录.

Francis Bacon的三联画“Three-Portrait for Self-Portrait”以2530万美元的价格成交,价格接近估计价格.


周四,Phillips de Pury的当代艺术品拍卖会结束,由沃霍尔的“Liz#5”领衔,估计价值2000万至3000万美元.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, I can provide a summary of the article in English. The article discusses the recent spring art sales at Christies, where Andy Warhols first self-portrait sold for $38.44 million, setting a new record for the artists portrait paintings. The auction totaled $301.668 million, exceeding expectations and setting records for several artists. Only three out of 65 works failed to sell, with a 95% sales rate. The auction was dominated by eight Warhols, which cost a total of $91 million. The star of the auction was the 1963-64 acrylic and silkscreen self-portrait, which was sold by the Baran family for $38.44 million after a 16-minute bidding war between two bidders, one of whom was a European private collector. The article also mentions other notable sales, including Mark Rothkos untitled work from 1961, which sold for $33.7 million, and Cy Twomblys untitled work from 1967, which sold for $15.2 million, setting a new record for the artist. The article notes that while the auction had strong American bidding, with 61% of buyers being American, four out of the top six lots were purchased by European collectors.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, I can provide a summary of the article in English. The article discusses the recent spring art sales at Christies, where Andy Warhols first self-portrait sold for $38.44 million, setting a new record for the artists portrait paintings. The auction totaled $301.668 million, exceeding expectations and setting records for several artists. Only three out of 65 works failed to sell, with a 95% sales rate. The auction was dominated by eight Warhols, which cost a total of $91 million. The star of the auction was the 1963-64 acrylic and silkscreen on canvas self-portrait, which was sold by the Baran family for $38.44 million after a 16-minute bidding war between two bidders, one of whom was a European private collector. The article also mentions other notable sales, including Mark Rothkos untitled work from 1961, which sold for $33.7 million, and Cy Twomblys untitled work from 1967, which sold for $15.2 million, setting a new record for the artist. The article notes that while the auction had strong American bidding, with 61% of buyers being American, four out of the top six lots were purchased by European collectors.

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