


星期五庆祝她29岁生日,这位创作歌手 – 在她开始录制她们的年龄之后,她已经为她的每张优秀专辑命名 – 显然对她在Instagram上分享的照片中的未来前景感到好玩。遥远的未来。说,40年左右.


在照片中 – 在她生日那天伦敦时间午夜之前发布 – 她穿着一件粉红色的针织开衫,她那红色的火红头发戴着老花镜。她标题:“将近30岁!感谢您的祝愿。很快见到你。”

成千上万的粉丝很快就在社交媒体上喋喋不休。 “它30!不是80 !!!!!”其中一位评论说,另一位评论说,“即使你成为一百岁,你看起来也很神奇。”



“旅行不是我擅长的,”阿黛尔在新西兰奥克兰举行的音乐会上对尖叫的歌迷说。 “掌声让我觉得有点脆弱。”

“我不知道我是否会再次巡回演出,”她继续道。 “我参观过的唯一原因就是你。我不确定我的行李是否适合旅行。”







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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in English:

    Since she started writing the song that earned her the first Grammy nomination, Adele may have aged 10 years, but the British singer is definitely not getting old. Celebrating her 29th birthday on Friday, the singer-songwriter – who has named each of her outstanding albums after the age she was recording them – seems to have fun with the future prospects in the photo she shared on Instagram. The distant future. Say, about 40 years. In the photo – posted just before midnight London time on her birthday – she wears a pink knitted cardigan and her red fiery hair is adorned with reading glasses. She captioned it: “Nearly 30! Thanks for the well wishes. See you soon x.” Thousands of fans soon buzzed on social media. “Its 30! Not 80 !!!!!” one comment said, while another said, “Even if youre 100, you look amazing.” Adele has named all her albums after the age she was recording them: “19,” “21,” and “25.” During the “25” world tour in March, she announced that she might completely give up touring and finish performing and large audiences. “Traveling is not something Im good at,” Adele told screaming fans at a concert in Auckland, New Zealand. “Applause makes me feel a bit vulnerable.” “I dont know if Ill ever tour again,” she continued. “The only reason Ive toured is you. Im not sure if my heart is in it anymore.” According to Billboard, Adele said “25” would be her last album to rely on her age for inspiration. “I think this will be my last age one,” she told the publication. “Im sure Im wrong, but I feel like Ive changed massively in the last couple years,” after becoming a parent in 2012. At the time, she said her next album would be called “Adele.” While some fans think she looks “like an old lady,” others wonder if this is a filter effect, an outlet attributing the clothing and hair to actress Catherine Tate and her comedic portrayal of a character named “Gran.”

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