

如果你想知道在环法自行车赛中17天骑行1,758英里可以对一个人的腿做什么,波兰自行车手Pawel Poljanski在一张照片中有答案.




医学专家将病情归因于大量血液通过静脉移动,导致它们膨胀。克利夫兰诊所体育健康和克利夫兰诊所执行健康的运动生理学家克里斯托弗特拉弗斯通过电子邮件告诉我们,“我们腿部的正常血流量约为5升”。 “在精英骑行者中,在最大努力期间,血流量可能是(正常)量的8倍。”特拉弗斯指出,这不是一种危及生命的疾病,可以通过休息和主动康复来治疗.


2014年,英国自行车选手Chris Froome在比赛中展示了一些类似的腿部。他目前在今年的环法自行车赛中名列第一.

Froome和Poljanski都落后于美国车手乔治·辛卡皮(George Hincapie),他在2011年环法自行车赛中遭遇了一场令人胃口大开的难看的静脉曲张.

美国 cyclist George Hincapie had a serious case of varicose veins during the 2011 Tour de France.
2011年环法自行车赛期间,美国自行车选手乔治·辛卡皮(George Hincapie)患有严重的静脉曲张.贝蒂尼



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a comment in English on the topic:

    Its amazing to see the physical toll that the Tour de France takes on the human body, as demonstrated by Pawel Poljanskis Instagram post. The bulging veins and sunburnt skin are a testament to the incredible effort and endurance required to complete such a grueling race. Its fascinating to learn from medical experts like Christopher Travers that elite cyclists can have up to eight times the normal blood flow in their legs during maximum effort. While its not a life-threatening condition, its clear that these athletes push their bodies to the limit. Kudos to Poljanski and all the cyclists for their incredible feats of athleticism and determination.

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