海伦·米伦赞扬金·卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)说“现在有个屁股”

海伦·米伦赞扬金·卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)说“现在有个屁股”


但这位70岁的老将是金·卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)着名人物的粉丝,对其他女性意味着什么.

海伦 Mirren / Kim Kardashian

“我没有进入卡戴珊,这是一种我觉得有趣的现象,但是 – 这就是重要的一句话:但是 – 现在你被允许有一个屁股真好!”她告诉星期日电讯报杂志。 “感谢Kardashian夫人,在她之前,J.Lo。我们现在也被允许穿大腿,这也很棒。这是非常积极的。“



“我被我的身体赋予了权力,”卡戴珊写道。 “我的性取向赋予了我的能力。我的皮肤感觉很舒服。我通过向世界展示我的缺点而不是害怕任何人会对我说些什么来赋予权力。”

相关:Helen Mirren年满70岁!我们喜欢无瑕贵妇的7个理由


“女性受到羞辱的控制,所以我喜欢自称身体的女性:麦当娜,Chrissie Hynde,Joan Jett,Bonnie Raitt,”她说。 “我喜欢(俄罗斯摇滚乐队和抗议团体)Pussy Riot,这比世界上任何事情都重要。他们都把中指抬起来,以”贱人“为代表。他们穿着他们想穿的衣服,表现得像他们想要的那样。“

相关:Helen Mirren在38岁时开始寻找“对生命的热爱”


KLG和Hoda在Helen Mirren的臀部装扮上,蓝色的指甲:’去女孩!’


关注Ree Hines 推特.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in English:

    Beloved stage and screen star Helen Mirren is not “keeping up with the Kardashians.” Reality TV families are not her cup of tea. But the 70-year-old veteran is a fan of Kim Kardashian, meaning something to other women. “I didnt go into the Kardashians, its a phenomenon I find interesting, but – and this is the important sentence: but – now youre allowed to have a butt!” she told The Sunday Telegraph magazine. “Thank you to Mrs. Kardashian-West, before her it was J.Lo. Were also allowed to have thighs now, which is great. Its very positive.” And thats exactly what Kardashian sees. Faced with strong opposition to funny photos posted online earlier this year, the reality show star wrote an article to protect her body. “I was given power by my body,” Kardashian wrote. “My sexuality gave me my power. My skin feels comfortable. I empower myself by showing the world my flaws instead of being afraid of what anyone is going to say to me.” As for Mirren, Kardashian is not the only woman she finds empowering in terms of body acceptance and behavior. “Women are controlled by shame, so I like women who call themselves body women: Madonna, Chrissie Hynde, Joan Jett, Bonnie Raitt,” she said. “I like Pussy Riot (Russian rock band and protest group) more than anything in the world. They all raise their middle fingers, representing bitches. They wear what they want and behave as they want.” Oscar winner summed up what she thinks is the ideal woman in two words: “shameless and proud!”

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in English:

    Beloved stage and screen star Helen Mirren is not “keeping up with the Kardashians.” Reality TV families are not her cup of tea. But the 70-year-old veteran is a fan of Kim Kardashian, meaning something to other women. “I didnt go into the Kardashians, its a phenomenon I find interesting, but – and this is the important sentence: but – now youre allowed to have a butt!” she told The Sunday Telegraph magazine. “Thank you to Mrs. Kardashian-West, before her it was J.Lo. Were also allowed to have thighs now, which is great. Its very positive.” And thats exactly what Kardashian sees. Faced with strong opposition to funny photos posted online earlier this year, the reality show star wrote an article to protect her body. “I was given power by my body,” Kardashian wrote. “My sexuality gave me my ability. My skin feels comfortable. I empower myself by showing the world my flaws instead of being afraid of what anyone might say to me.” As for Mirren, Kardashian is not the only woman she finds empowering in terms of body acceptance and behavior. “Women are controlled by shame, so I like to call women who own their bodies: Madonna, Chrissie Hynde, Joan Jett, Bonnie Raitt,” she said. “I like Pussy Riot (Russian rock band and protest group) more than anything in the world. They all raise their middle fingers, representing bitches. They wear what they want and behave as they want.” The Oscar winner summed up what she thinks is the ideal woman in two words: “shameless and proud!”

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