عندما يتعلق الأمر بالكوكتيلات الرائعة ، يعرف كارسون دالي شيئًا أو اثنين.
في حين أن هدى قطب و كاتي لي جيفورد قد تفضلان شرب الخمر ، يحب كارسون الاختلاط – حتى في الصباح. حتى ماري السحري الدموي المريخ يحتوي حتى على لحوم البقر متشنج وعصير المخلل! الحديث عن وصفة لا بد من جعل ليقضوا بيوم الأب.
جينا بوش هاجر وكارسون دالي طعم اختبار الحمص الحليب
لكن إنشاء كوكتيل كارسون الأحدث هو جميع الإضاءة الفائقة والخضراء … ولا يمكن خلطها بسهولة.
وقد نشر حديثًا عن هذا Instagram الصديق للطقس الدافئ ، ويحتوي على ثلاثة مكونات فقط: Ketel One vodka ، وطرقة POM من عصير الرمان الكرز وفريسكا – وهي الصودا المفضلة لديه. نوصي بخلطه مع جزء واحد من الفودكا إلى 3 أجزاء من الصودا (وقطعة كبيرة من عصير الفاكهة) ، ولكن إذا كنت تفضل تناول مشروبًا أقوى ، فستعمل نسبة 1 إلى 2 أيضًا.
حتى الآن ، يشتاق أتباعه لهذا “السحر الصيفي” ، بالإضافة إلى ردة فعل فريسكا كارسون.
وكتب أحدهم يقول “لقد نسيت كل شيء عن فريسكا. علي أن أقدم هذه المحاولة”.
وعلق شخص آخر قائلاً: “كان يطلق عليه” نقل الدم “في السبعينيات الماضية ، وكان الكبار يستخدمون عصير العنب والفودكا”..
ولكن عصير بوم يقدم بالتأكيد هذا الكوكتيل في القرن الواحد والعشرين.
كما اتخذ أتباع كارسون تسمية الشراب باقتراحات مثل “ديلي ديلي” و “برودكا” و “كوكتيل ديلزتيل” و “ذا دالي سيب” و “ذا بكنغ برونكو”.
الآن ، نريد فقط أن نجلس في مطبخ دالي ونشرب كوكتيلات كارسون بينما ننتظر بعض الدجاج المقلي والبطاطا الحلوة من سيري.
إيريكا شايز ويدا هي صحفية وكاتبة طعام مقرها مدينة نيويورك ، مهووسة بالثقافة والشعر والسفر. اتبع عملها على Instagram وبشكل مستمر.
As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:
When it comes to great cocktails, Carson Daly knows a thing or two. While Huda Qattan and Katy Lee Guilford may prefer to drink wine, Carson loves mixing drinks – even in the morning. Even the Bloody Mary contains spiced beef and pickle juice! Speaking of a recipe that must be made for Fathers Day.
Gina Bush migrated and Carson Daly tasted the Jun.13.2018 01:15 milk hummus, but creating Carsons latest cocktail is all about the super green and light … and it cant be easily mixed. He recently posted about this on his Instagram, a friend of warm weather, and it contains only three ingredients: Ketel One vodka, POM cherry pomegranate juice, and Fresca – his favorite soda. We recommend mixing it with one part vodka to three parts soda (and a large piece of fruit juice), but if you prefer a stronger drink, a ratio of 1 to 2 will also work.
So far, his followers miss this “summer magic”, as well as Carsons reaction to Fresca. One of them wrote, “I forgot everything about Fresca. I have to try this.” Another person commented, “It was called” blood transfusion “in the 70s, and adults used grape juice and vodka.” But POM juice definitely serves this cocktail in the 21st century. Carsons followers have also given the drink names such as “Daily Daily”, “Broodka”, “Cocktail Delztel”, “The Daly Sip”, and “The Barking Bronco”.
Now, we just want to sit in Dalys kitchen and drink Carsons cocktails while waiting for some fried chicken and sweet potatoes from Siri. Erica Shea and Lydia are New York-based journalists and food writers, obsessed with culture, poetry, and travel. Follow their work on Instagram and continuously.
As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:
When it comes to great cocktails, Carson Daly knows a thing or two. While Huda Qattan and Katy Lee Guilford may prefer to drink wine, Carson loves mixing drinks – even in the morning. Even the Bloody Mary contains spiced beef and pickle juice! Speaking of a recipe that must be made for Fathers Day.
Gina Bush migrated and Carson Daly tasted the Jun.13.2018 01:15 milk hummus, but creating Carsons latest cocktail is all about the super green and light … and it cant be easily mixed. He recently posted about this on his Instagram, a friend of warm weather, and it contains only three ingredients: Ketel One vodka, POM cherry pomegranate juice, and Fresca – his favorite soda. We recommend mixing it with one part vodka to three parts soda (and a large piece of fruit juice), but if you prefer a stronger drink, a ratio of 1 to 2 will also work.
So far, his followers miss this “summer magic”, as well as Carsons reaction to Fresca. One of them wrote, “I forgot everything about Fresca. I have to try this.” Another person commented, “It was called” blood transfusion “in the 70s, and adults used grape juice and vodka.” But POM juice definitely serves this cocktail in the 21st century. Carsons followers have also given the drink names such as “Daily Daily”, “Broodka”, “Cocktail Delztel”, “The Daly Sip”, and “The Barking Bronco”.
Now, we just want to sit in Dalys kitchen and drink Carsons cocktails while waiting for some fried chicken and sweet potatoes from Siri. Erica Shea and Lydia are New York-based journalists and food writers, obsessed with culture, poetry, and travel. Follow their work on Instagram and continuously.