

酪 biscuits


现在夏天几乎结束了,需要一些安慰吗? 9月恰好是全国饼干月 – 这是烘焙黄油,香气,舒适批次(或两个或三个)的完美借口。而且你不必是南方人,甚至不是专业的面包师,来制作密西西比河这边最脆,最脆,最美味的饼干。继续阅读北卡罗来纳州顶级饼干制造商,Biscuit Head和Tupelo Honey两位Asheville背后的主谋提供的不可或缺的提示,然后使用下面的食谱来制作一批你曾经拥有的最好的饼干。.

“一块好的饼干从好面粉开始,”Biscuit Head的老板杰森罗伊说。像许多南方厨师一样,他使用自发面粉,因为它是预先混合的,包括硬质和软质小麦的混合物以及用于完美崛起的发酵成分 – 这是你无法用简单的通用蛋糕,蛋糕,或糕点面粉。 (想要 像南方人那样做吗?尝试白百合自发面粉,可在全国各地的专卖超市和网上购买。)

无论您是使用起酥油,猪油还是黄油作为您的首选脂肪,就像“TupeloHoneyCafé”的厨师Brian Sonoskus一样“抢购”。他解释说:“将面粉和脂肪捏在一起,就像你在掰手指一样。”这会产生薄薄的黄油,在饼干中形成酥皮状的层状物.

对于柔软蓬松的饼干,将液体和干燥成分混合,直到面团“类似于奶酪”,Sonoskus说。这可以阻止你在面粉中激活过多的麸质,最后得到一个不会升高的坚韧饼干。但即使你混合太多,也不要担心。他说:“更稠密的饼干有它们的位置 – 它们更适合制作三明治。”.

用冰淇淋勺而不是饼干切割器轻轻地塑造饼干。这就是Roy为制作Biscuit Head的超大猫头饼而做的事,因为它们和猫的头脑一样大。无论你是大还是小,它都是一种非常容易和万无一失的技术。没有弹簧铲?使用量杯和硅胶刮刀.

如果你能得到它,请使用真正的酪乳。两位厨师都承诺效忠于阿什维尔的Cruze Dairy全脂牛奶,因为它具有无与伦比的奶油和酸度。寻找您所在地区的当地农场,以获得好东西,而不是超市里发现的含水低脂肪替代品.

准备好自己尝试一下吗?这是Tupelo Honey备受追捧的食谱:



  • 2杯白百合自发面粉
  • 1汤匙糖
  • 半茶匙盐
  • ⅓杯冷冻起酥油,切成碎片
  • ½杯重奶油
  • 1杯酪乳
  • 融化的黄油





经许可转载 图珀洛蜂蜜咖啡馆:蓝岭山脉的新南方风味 作者:Elizabeth Sims与厨师Brian Sonoskus,Andrews McMeel Publishing,2014.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “Today, summer is almost over. Do you need some comfort? September happens to be National Biscuit Month in China – the perfect excuse for baking buttery, fragrant, and comforting batches (or two or three) of biscuits. And you dont have to be a southerner or even a professional baker to make the crispiest, flakiest, and most delicious biscuits on this side of the Mississippi River. Read on for indispensable tips from the masterminds behind Biscuit Head and Tupelo Honey, two top biscuit makers in Asheville, North Carolina, and then use the recipe below to make the best biscuits youve ever had.

    “A good biscuit starts with good flour,” says Jason Roy, owner of Biscuit Head. Like many southern chefs, he uses self-rising flour because its pre-mixed with a blend of hard and soft wheat and leavening agents for perfect rise – something you cant get with plain all-purpose cake, pastry, or flour. (Want to do it like a southerner? Try White Lily self-rising flour, available at specialty stores and online nationwide.)

    “Whether youre using lard, shortening, or butter as your preferred fat, grab it like Chef Brian Sonoskus of Tupelo Honey Café,” he explains. “Rub the flour and fat together like youre snapping your fingers.” This creates thin layers of butter that form flaky layers in the biscuit.

    “For soft, fluffy biscuits, mix the liquid and dry ingredients until the dough is like cottage cheese,” says Sonoskus. This can prevent you from activating too much gluten in the flour and ending up with tough biscuits that wont rise. But even if you mix too much, dont worry. “Denser biscuits have their place – theyre better for making sandwiches.”

    Shape the biscuits gently with an ice cream scoop instead of a biscuit cutter. Thats what Roy does to make Biscuit Heads oversized cathead biscuits, which are as big as a cats head. Whether youre big or small, its a very easy and foolproof technique. No spring scoop? Use a measuring cup and a silicone spatula.

    If you can get it, use real buttermilk. Both chefs swear by Cruze Dairys whole milk

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