Cool Whip揭示了两种新口味,这就是我们的想法

Cool Whip揭示了两种新口味,这就是我们的想法

骑着风味的蔓延热潮(桃/黑樱桃/烟熏三文鱼/培根/橄榄/蜂蜜山核桃奶油干酪,任何人?),Cool Whip推出了一些全新的大胆的顶级口味,今天的食物得到了抓住第一桶新鲜奶油的美味.

凉 Whip
薄荷酷鞭和芝士蛋糕酷鞭Zach Pagano /今天

首先:Peppermint Cool Whip,正好赶上假期。老实说,我期待一种压倒性的糖果手杖味道。相反,我惊喜地发现它只有一丝薄荷味。凭借其微妙的薄荷精华,我可以想象这一季的一百万个季节性应用,从热巧克力(不喜欢薄荷热巧克力?Mmmmm)上的一块蛋糕到三明治饼干馅(想想假日月饼)。奖励:它的天鹅绒般的质地和非常柔软的粉红色,因为每个人都喜欢粉红色的糕点,amiright?味道将于2016年10月上市.


凉 whip sprinkles

TODAY Food还预览了将于2023年2月首次亮相的全新众包风味。奶油甜点馅料的粉丝们在蓝莓,芝士蛋糕和草莓香蕉口味中投票.

凉 Whip
芝士蛋糕酷鞭子Zach Pagano /今天

在这里,现在,我们可以揭示胜利者……它是芝士蛋糕,放下手!虽然这种味道在商店里几个月都没有,但是Cool Whip实验室的人们“掀起”了一个特殊的样品,所以我们可以尝试一下.


凉 whip




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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text in Chinese to English:

    Riding the wave of flavor (peach/black cherry/smoked salmon/bacon/olive/honey walnut cream cheese, anyone?), Cool Whip has launched some bold new top flavors, and todays food has caught the first fresh cream of the crop. First: Peppermint Cool Whip, just in time for the holidays. To be honest, I was expecting an overwhelming candy cane flavor. Instead, I was pleasantly surprised to find just a hint of mint. With its subtle mint essence, I can imagine a million seasonal applications, from a slice of cake on hot chocolate (dont like mint hot chocolate? Mmmmm) to sandwich cookie fillings (think holiday mooncakes). Bonus: its velvety texture and very soft pink color, because everyone loves pink pastries, amiright? The taste will be available in October 2016. Related: We tried Swedish fish Oreos, and this is what we thought. TODAY Food also previewed a brand new crowd-sourced flavor that will debut in February 2017. Fans of cream dessert fillings can vote for blueberry, cheesecake, and strawberry banana flavors. Here and now, we can reveal the winner…its cheesecake, hands down! Although this flavor wont be in stores for a few months, the folks at Cool Whips lab “whipped up” a special sample so we could give it a try. Conclusion: If I didnt know it was cheesecake, I would guess it was cream candy. The flavor is mild enough that it adds to the creaminess of whipped cream rather than dominating it. I think anything with toffee or caramel flavors would be great. Or any chocolate, like piled on top of a chocolate cream pie. Of course, theres always the other option, which is always great: scooping straight from the tub to your mouth. Did you correctly announce these foods? Find out!

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