


健康碗在桌上的沙拉射击在演播室; Shutterstock ID 310701356; PO:today.com食物存在Shutterstock


这就是为什么TODAY转向Torey Armul,一位注册营养师和营养与营养学院的发言人,为制作健康美味沙拉的艺术提供一点指导。以下是您下次排队时要记住的事项:


  1. 去(深)绿色: “当谈到沙拉蔬菜时,叶子越深,营养成分越高,”Armul说。绿宝石色的叶子含有最多的维生素和矿物质,所以选择像菠菜,羽衣甘蓝或羽衣甘蓝这样的产品是有意义的,比如说,生菜.
  2. 不要害怕脂肪: 蔬菜中含有一种叫做类胡萝卜素的抗氧化剂,这种类胡萝卜素是脂溶性的,这意味着它们在与脂肪食物一起食用时会被吸收。这就是为什么值得添加一些心脏健康的不饱和脂肪,如坚果,鳄梨或煮熟的鸡蛋。事实上,根据Armul的说法,最近发表在“美国临床营养学杂志”上的一项研究发现,当三餐中添加三个鸡蛋时,类胡萝卜素的吸收增加了八倍。.
  3. 带上青椒: Armul解释说,这些受欢迎的五颜六色的蔬菜是维生素C的极好来源,可以改善叶绿色植物对铁的吸收.
  4. 不要过度乳制品: 并不一定是因为额外的卡路里,但如果你的目标是减肥,你应该避开奶酪和其他高脂肪的选择。 “奶酪和酸奶等乳制品中过多的钙会干扰植物性铁的吸收,所以只能根据需要添加味道,”Armul建议道。.
  5. 只要对guac堆积说不: “一个标准的鳄梨酱冰淇淋勺,这是许多餐馆使用的,可以增加额外的200卡路里或更多,”Armul警告说。相反,只要求一小块鳄梨酱或三分之一的鳄梨.
  6. 与香醋交朋友: 香醋油醋汁提供一对二的营养冲击:橄榄油含有健康的不饱和脂肪,如上所述,它可以提高蔬菜的抗氧化吸收能力。它也是一种美味的低糖添加剂,与许多不同的沙拉配料搭配得很好。省略低卡路里的沙拉酱,其中可能含有添加的糖来代替脂肪.
  7. 选择干燥的新鲜水果: 干果的味道非常像糖果。 “它已被脱水,使其比新鲜水果的卡路里密度高出近五倍,”Armul说.
  8. 小心翼翼地紧缩: 为了达到完全的沙拉幸福,完美的叶子到敷料到紧缩的比例是关键。但是Armul说“有空卡路里和不健康的脂肪”,而不是培根,油炸面包片,脆面条或玉米粉圆饼条,尝试一到两汤匙的种子或坚果(如杏仁或核桃)。当然,您可以根据自己的喜好随意索取更多的产品 – 如黄瓜,胡萝卜和豆薯.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a preference for any language. However, I can provide a translation of the text in Chinese to English:

    Appearing at your favorite lunch spot, you bypass the greasy grilled sandwich and heavy pasta, opting for a salad. If nutritionists handed out gold stars, youd surely earn one…right? Not so fast: Depending on your choices, you could either come up with a healthy powerhouse or a less-than-ideal meal that can rival other calorie- and fat-laden options. A healthy bowl of salad shoots in the studio with food on the table; Shutterstock ID 310701356; PO: today.com Food exists Shutterstock related: How to order healthy smoothies This is why TODAY turned to Torey Armul, a registered dietitian and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, to provide some guidance on the art of making healthy and delicious salads. Here are some things to keep in mind the next time youre in line: Related: This Mason jar fried corn cake salad is the perfect portable, healthy lunch Go (deep) green: “When it comes to salad greens, the deeper the leaf, the higher the nutrient content,” Armul says. Emerald green leaves contain the most vitamins and minerals, so it makes sense to choose products like spinach, kale, or collard greens, for example, lettuce. Dont be afraid of fat: Vegetables contain an antioxidant called carotenoids, which are fat-soluble, meaning they are absorbed when eaten with fatty foods. Thats why its worth adding some heart-healthy unsaturated fats, such as nuts, avocados, or boiled eggs. In fact, according to Armul, a recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that when three eggs were added to three meals, carotenoid absorption increased eightfold. Bring on the peppers: Armul explains that these popular colorful vegetables are an excellent source of vitamin C and can improve the absorption of iron in leafy greens. Dont overdo dairy: Its not necessarily because of the extra calories, but if your goal is weight loss, you should avoid cheese and other high-fat options. “Too much calcium in dairy products like cheese and yogurt can interfere with the absorption of plant-based iron, so only add flavor as needed,” Armul suggests. Just say no to guac piles: “A standard scoop of avocado ice cream, which many restaurants use, can add

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a preference for any language. However, I can provide a translation of the text in Chinese to English:

    Appearing at your favorite lunch spot, you bypass the greasy grilled sandwich and heavy pasta, opting for a salad. If nutritionists handed out gold stars, youd surely earn one…right? Not so fast: Depending on your choices, you could either come up with a healthy powerhouse or a less-than-ideal meal that can rival other calorie- and fat-laden options. A healthy bowl of salad shoots in the studio with food on the table; Shutterstock ID 310701356; PO: today.com Food exists Shutterstock related: How to order healthy smoothies This is why TODAY turned to Torey Armul, a registered dietitian and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, to provide some guidance on the art of making healthy and delicious salads. Here are some things to keep in mind the next time youre in line: Related: This Mason jar fried corn cake salad is the perfect portable, healthy lunch Go (deep) green: “When it comes to salad greens, the deeper the leaf, the higher the nutrient content,” Armul says. Emerald green leaves contain the most vitamins and minerals, so it makes sense to choose products like spinach, kale, or collard greens, for example, lettuce. Dont be afraid of fat: Vegetables contain an antioxidant called carotenoids, which are fat-soluble, meaning they are absorbed when eaten with fatty foods. Thats why its worth adding some heart-healthy unsaturated fats, such as nuts, avocados, or boiled eggs. In fact, according to Armul, a recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that when three eggs were added to three meals, carotenoid absorption increased eightfold. Bring on the peppers: Armul explains that these popular colorful vegetables are an excellent source of vitamin C and can improve the absorption of iron in leafy greens. Dont overdo dairy: Its not necessarily because of the extra calories, but if your goal is weight loss, you should avoid cheese and other high-fat options. “Too much calcium in dairy products like cheese and yogurt can interfere with the absorption of plant-based iron, so only add flavor as needed,” Armul suggests. Just say no to guac piles: “A standard scoop of avocado ice cream, which many restaurants use, can add

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