



三成分 pomegranate margarita

1.三成分石榴玛格丽塔: 制作这三种成分的玛格丽塔酒(看上去没有酸味混合物)几乎太容易了。秘密成分?冷冻石灰浓缩液.


西瓜 Coconut Agua Fresca

2.西瓜椰子阿瓜弗雷斯卡: 这款补充非酒精味的quaff,仅用三种成分制成,是夏季炎热的完美润唇膏。当然,如果你愿意的话,你可以加入它 – 用伏特加酒或加入起泡酒可能会很棒.

罗勒 Raspberry Mojitos

3. Basil Raspberry Mojitos: 供应特色鸡尾酒。新鲜的覆盆子赋予经典的莫吉托甜味一点点,罗勒为这款简单而精致的鸡尾酒带来独特的芳香风味.

泰国 Lime Leaf Cooler

4.泰式酸橙叶冷却器: Wanderlust Kitchen Infused伏特加看起来很花哨,但实际上很简单。你所需要的只是一点耐心 – 而且有先见之明。所以一定要用一些,然后开始在你最喜欢的伏特加中浸泡那些青柠檬叶,这样你就可以提供你的聚会主办生涯中最具异国情调的凉爽.

观看:Camila Alves展示如何用烤桃子制作她甜美的桑格利亚汽酒

最好 Party Punch Ever

5.最佳派对: 如果你喜欢你的拳头和果味,这可能是你最好的派对。这是非酒精性的 – 虽然那些想要加入它的人可以添加一杯伏特加 – 所以每个孩子从孩子到期待的母亲都可以举杯祝甜美甜蜜的夏日.

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    Although the idea of offering specialty drinks during summer parties is certainly attractive, who really wants to play bartender at their own party? Enter pitcher drinks, which take a long time to make but are easy to prepare in advance. This series includes recipes for large party drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. Stir up a few pitchers before your next summer shindig or even a simple family dinner. Ah, refreshing. Just for us, here are five recipes:

    1. Three-Ingredient Pomegranate Margaritas: Making this three-ingredient margarita (which looks like a sour mix) is almost too easy. The secret ingredient? Frozen lime concentrate.

    2. Watermelon Coconut Agua Fresca: This refreshing quaff, which supplements non-alcoholic flavors, is made with just three ingredients and is perfect for hot summer days. Of course, if youre so inclined, you can spike it – vodka or bubbly would be great additions.

    3. Basil Raspberry Mojitos: Serve up a specialty cocktail. Fresh raspberries give the classic mojito a touch of sweetness, while basil brings a unique aromatic flavor to this simple yet sophisticated cocktail.

    4. Thai Lime Leaf Cooler: Wanderlust Kitchen Infused vodka may look fancy, but its actually quite simple. All you need is a little patience – and foresight. So be sure to pick some lime leaves and start soaking them in your favorite vodka, so you can serve up the coolest, most exotic drink of your party-hosting career.

    5. Best Party Punch: If you like your punch with a punch of fruitiness, this might be your best party bet. Its non-alcoholic – though those who want to add it can add a cup of vodka – so everyone from kids to expectant moms can raise a glass to a sweet summer.

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