真好吃!密歇根州的餐厅制作了100磅的比萨饼 - 它可以送到 2023

真好吃!密歇根州的餐厅制作了100磅的比萨饼 – 它可以送到

密歇根州Southgate的Mallie’s Sports Grill&Bar的所有者Stephen Mallie说他“喜欢变大”,而且他肯定得到了证明它的菜单.


Mallie's Grill and Bar, Southgate, MI, delivers largest commercially available pizza to local fire department.
位于密歇根州Southgate的Mallie’s Grill and Bar餐厅为当地消防部门提供最大的商业披萨.由Stephen Mallie提供

2011年,Mallie’s创造了世界上最大的商用汉堡 – 一个319磅的三明治。这个头衔被一个777磅重的汉堡打破,可以在俄勒冈州的Outlaw Grill购买.


“她和我一起建造了餐厅,我所做的一切都在她的记忆中,”Mallie告诉TODAY Food。 “这就是她喜欢它的方式,让我们继续做我们所做的事情。”

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1,794 Pound Burger! #Mallies

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虽然比萨唱片尚未被吉尼斯确认(心中有馅饼,没有时间进行文书工作),但它的平方英尺超过了Big Mama和Papa’s of Los Angeles的持久记录,其中有20平方米 – 在它的菜单上的脚比萨饼.

2月14日,Mallie和他的重型披萨制造商团队准备并交付了一个36平方英尺的意大利辣香肠比萨饼(那是热的),以便在Southgate消防局举办情人节盛宴。另一半奶酪,半意大利辣香肠披萨捐赠给了密歇根州特伦顿的Jesse L. Anderson小学,整个学校一起在整个披萨上用餐.

巨人 pizza delivery to Trenton, MI elementary school
对特伦顿,MI小学的巨型薄饼交付Stephen Mallie,Mallie’s Grill and Bar


Mallie告诉TODAY Food,只有一个馅饼包括大约50磅的面团,35磅的奶酪,20磅的番茄酱和大量的浇头。这一切加起来重约100磅.

但是这个馅饼最疯狂的是,如果你住在餐厅5英里半径范围内,你可以订购300美元的比萨饼(肉类浇头额外50美元,蔬菜额外35美元) – 而且Mallie’s将把它送到你的门口免费.


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses the owner of Mallies Sports Grill & Bar in Southgate, Michigan, Stephen Mallie, and his love for creating large food items. The restaurant has recently purchased the largest commercial pizza, weighing 100 pounds, and has previously created a 319-pound burger and a nearly 1,800-pound burger in honor of Mallies late wife. The article also mentions Mallies delivery of a 36-square-foot pizza to a local fire department and a donation of a half-cheese, half-Italian sausage pizza to a Michigan elementary school. Mallies offers a $300 pizza that can be delivered for free within a 5.5-mile radius of the restaurant. The article concludes with some pizza recipes.

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