



蝙蝠侠, a four-eared cat.
“蝙蝠侠非常亲热……他喜欢被揉在脸颊上,”庇护所的代表Caitlin Lasky说道。.西部PA人道社会

你没有看到双倍!蝙蝠侠出生时有两组耳朵,这是罕见的基因突变的结果。当这只3岁的猫在7月12日到达人道协会时,员工被带走了他的友善个性 – 但担心他不寻常的外表可能会吓跑潜在的采用者.

“庇护所的高级营销传播经理凯特琳拉斯基告诉今日,”我们有一只多爪子猫,每只爪子上有六只爪子,他们在庇护所呆了一段时间。“ “老年动物可能很难,或残疾人.

“但是当合适的人进门时,人们会说’我从那一刻就知道’,”她说。 “这只是正确的比赛。”



“它给动物带来了面孔和个性,”拉斯基解释道。 “蝙蝠侠非常亲热……他喜欢在脸颊上摩擦。他和其他猫一起生活,所以他和其他动物一样好。人们看到这一切很有帮助。“


根据拉斯基的说法,一位喜欢超级英雄的年轻女孩的父母立刻联系了他们。谈谈完美的比赛!这个家庭安排了一次访问,并亲自爱上了蝙蝠侠 – 其余的,正如他们所说,是历史.

虽然蝙蝠侠的新家庭拒绝公开评论或表明自己,但庇护所告诉我们他们对这场比赛充满信心。 “在这个故事起飞之前,他们想要他,”拉斯基说。 “我们为他们感到高兴,并希望保持联系。”

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the context of the article, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article tells the story of a unique-looking cat named Batman who was taken in by a shelter in Pennsylvania. Despite his friendly personality, the shelter was worried that his unusual appearance might scare off potential adopters. However, the shelters marketing strategy, which included posting videos of Batman on social media, helped him find his forever home with a family who fell in love with him at first sight. The article highlights the importance of giving animals a chance to find loving homes, regardless of their physical appearance or age.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the context of the article, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article tells the story of a unique-looking cat named Batman who was taken in by a shelter in Pennsylvania. Despite his friendly personality, the shelter was worried that his unusual appearance might scare off potential adopters. However, the shelters marketing strategy, which included posting videos of Batman on social media, helped him find his forever home with a family who fell in love with him at first sight. The article highlights the importance of giving animals a chance to find loving homes, regardless of their physical appearance or age.

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