告别’最好的朋友’:前MTV VJ为亲爱的狗致敬

告别’最好的朋友’:前MTV VJ为亲爱的狗致敬

Dave Holmes已经确立了自己作为电视节目主持人,演员喜剧演员和流行文化的作家,但通过一篇令人心碎的Esquire文章,前MTV VJ已经吸引了新的观众:同伴爱好者.

作家 and TV personality Dave Holmes penned a moving Esquire essay about the life and death of his dog, Junior.
作家和电视名人戴夫霍尔姆斯写了一篇关于他的狗Junior的生死的移动的Esquire文章.由Dave Holmes和Ben Wise提供

在他的狗Junior之后几个小时发布,周一去世了,“我告别了我昨晚最好的朋友”记录了福尔摩斯和他的长期男友Ben Wise与小麦梗共享的快乐,欢闹和毁灭性的时刻。.

“一只狗向你介绍一种简单,诚实,新的爱情,”福尔摩斯在这个令人痛苦的故事中写道。 “或者也许是一个古老的:你小时候感受到的那个世界充满奇迹,感情和可能性,你只知道几个人,他们就是你的一切。”

福尔摩斯的电视和电影作品包括“Total Request Live”,“Reno 911!:迈阿密”和“MOCKpocalypse”,他告诉TODAY.com他想写这篇文章以宣泄。霍尔姆斯周二表示,“这是[星期一]和[星期二]发生的事情之一。” “但我希望得到一些想法和一些快速记忆,并快速完成。”

什么时候 Ben Wise was mourning the death of his grandmother in November 2015, Junior
当Ben Wise在2015年11月为他的祖母的死亡哀悼时,Junior“知道在几天内更接近他,”Dave Holmes说道。.由Dave Holmes和Ben Wise提供

Wise是一位作曲家,也是民间三人组Tiny Goliath的成员,他告诉TODAY.com,Junior对他们的生活产生了深远的影响。 “他让我们的生活变得更好,并且教给我们很多关于我们自己的知识,我们不知道,”他说。 “当我们找到他们的时候,我们只有九个月在一起。”


戴夫 Holmes and Ben Wise's dog, Junior, died Dec. 7, 2015, and inspired an emotional Esquire essay.
Dave Holmes和Ben Wise的狗Junior于2015年12月7日去世,并激发了情感Esquire的文章.由Dave Holmes和Ben Wise提供


“我们把他从他的母亲和兄弟姐妹那里拉开了,这是他所知道的唯一生活,和我们一起生活,做到……究竟是什么?”福尔摩斯在Esquire写道。 “我们可以管理这个吗?我们是否适合这份工作?如果我们打破了他们怎么办?我们将我们的狗命名为Junior,因为我们将他视为我们的练习孩子。”


“我们的朋友艾琳说,’我一直希望他解开他的狗套装和一个小男孩走出去。’”福尔摩斯写道。 “每个人都说过关于少年的事情,他们是对的。他有人眼睛。”

根据 to Dave Holmes, one of his friends expected Junior to
根据Dave Holmes的说法,他的一位朋友希望Junior能够“解开他的狗套装和一个小男孩走出去”。由Dave Holmes和Ben Wise提供

Wise确认了这个帐户。 “[少年]喜欢做一个人,”他告诉TODAY.com。 “无论我们做什么,他都是我的忠实粉丝,并希望与我们合作。”

福尔摩斯提供了更多证据。 “如果你提到去骑车或散步,他就像’价格合适’的Showcase摊牌赢家一样,”他说。 “他喜欢漫长的公路旅行,他忍受了我们。”

小时 after Junior passed away, Ben Wise played R.E.M.'s
在Junior过世后的几个小时,Ben Wise在他的手机上播放了R.E.M.的“你就是一切”,而他的男朋友Dave Holmes“给我们倒了几杯威士忌,我们为我们曾经拥有过的最好的朋友喝彩。”由Dave Holmes和Ben Wise提供


戴夫 Holmes toasted to the life of his dog, Junior, in an Esquire essay published Dec. 8, 2015.
Dave Holmes在2015年12月8日发表的Esquire论文中为他的狗Junior的生活致敬.由Dave Holmes和Ben Wise提供


福尔摩斯的回忆录“一人之一:21首歌曲中的回忆录”将于6月发行,他告诉TODAY.com他很欣赏他和Wise所获得的支持。 “Twitter上的陌生人给我发了很多哭泣的人和破碎的心脏和狗的表情符号,”他补充说。 “而且非常甜蜜。”

在他的Esquire作品中,他意识到他的故事并不是独一无二的,但这并没有使他的经历变得不那么强大。他写道:“你自己的心脏可能会被一只狗扩张和折断。” “如果你有,你知道现在发生了什么。如果你没有,我可以告诉你,即使是现在,即使我们在这个房子里闲逛寻找破碎的心脏碎片:这是值得的。”

“你自己可能已经将自己的心脏扩大并被狗打破了,”Dave Holmes在哀悼他的狗Junior的死亡时写道。 “如果你有,你知道现在发生了什么。如果你没有,我可以告诉你,即使是现在,即使我们在这个房子里闲逛寻找破碎的心脏碎片:这是值得的。”由Dave Holmes和Ben Wise提供


他补充道,“如果你有一条狗,那就拉紧它 – 不要放开一点。”

在Twitter上关注TODAY.com作家Chris Serico.



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or emotions. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in English.

    Dave Holmes has established himself as a television host, actor, comedian, and pop culture writer, but through a heartbreaking Esquire article, the former MTV VJ has attracted a new audience: fellow pet lovers. Writer and TV personality Dave Holmes wrote a moving Esquire article about the life and death of his dog Junior. Published just hours after Junior passed away on Monday, the article “I Said Goodbye to My Best Friend Last Night” chronicles the joy, mischief, and devastating moments that Holmes and his longtime boyfriend Ben Wise shared with their wheaten terrier. “A dog introduces you to a simple, honest, new love,” Holmes writes in the painful story. “Or maybe an old one: the world full of wonder, feeling, and possibility that you felt as a child, with only a few people you knew were everything.”

    Holmes TV and film credits include “Total Request Live,” “Reno 911!: Miami,” and “MOCKpocalypse,” and he told TODAY.com he wanted to write the article as a release. “It was one of the things that happened on [Monday] and [Tuesday],” Holmes said on Tuesday. “But I wanted to get some thoughts down and some quick memories, and get it done quickly.”

    When Ben Wise was mourning his grandmothers death in November 2015, Junior “knew to get closer to him in the days that followed,” Dave Holmes said. Wise is a composer and member of the folk trio Tiny Goliath, and he told TODAY.com that Junior had a profound impact on their lives. “He made our lives better and taught us so much about ourselves that we didnt know,” he said. “When we found them, we only had nine months together.” Holmes added, “He glued us together.”

    Dave Holmes and Ben Wises dog Junior passed away on December 7, 2015, inspiring the emotional Esquire article. Their time with Junior began and ended with tears. “We pulled him away from his mother and siblings, the only life he knew, to live with us, to do…what, exactly?” Holmes writes in Esquire. “Could we handle this? Were we cut out for the job? What if we broke them? We named our dog Junior because we saw him as our practice child

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or emotions. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in English.

    Dave Holmes has established himself as a television host, actor, comedian, and pop culture writer, but through a heartbreaking Esquire article, the former MTV VJ has attracted a new audience: fellow pet lovers. Writer and TV personality Dave Holmes wrote a moving Esquire article about the life and death of his dog Junior. Published just hours after Junior passed away on Monday, the article “I Said Goodbye to My Best Friend Last Night” chronicles the joy, mischief, and devastating moments that Holmes and his longtime boyfriend Ben Wise shared with their wheaten terrier. “A dog introduces you to a simple, honest, new love,” Holmes writes in the painful story. “Or maybe an old one: the world full of wonder, feeling, and possibility that you felt as a child, with only a few people who were everything to you.”

    Holmes TV and film credits include “Total Request Live,” “Reno 911!: Miami,” and “MOCKpocalypse,” and he told TODAY.com he wanted to write the article as a release. “It was one of the things that happened on [Monday] and [Tuesday],” Holmes said on Tuesday. “But I wanted to get some thoughts down and some quick memories, and get it done quickly.”

    When Ben Wise was mourning his grandmothers death in November 2015, Junior “knew to get closer to him in the days leading up to it,” Dave Holmes said. Wise, a composer and member of the folk trio Tiny Goliath, told TODAY.com that Junior had a profound impact on their lives. “He made our lives better and taught us so much about ourselves that we didnt know,” he said. “When we found them, we only had nine months together.” Holmes added, “He glued us together.”

    Dave Holmes and Ben Wises dog Junior passed away on December 7, 2015, inspiring the emotional Esquire article. Their time with Junior began and ended with tears. “We pulled him away from his mother and siblings, the only life he knew, to live with us, to do…what, exactly?” Holmes writes in Esquire. “Could we handle this? Were we cut out for the job? What if we broke them? We named our dog Junior because we saw him as our practice

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