Масът на гетори използва главата си – буквално – за да предпази момчето от неприятната топка

Масът на гетори използва главата си – буквално – за да предпази момчето от неприятната топка

Алберт, талиганският талисман на университета на Флорида Гатори, се наслаждаваше на бейзболната игра на училището от щандовете в сряда, когато в неговата секция влязла фал. Загрижен, че може да удари детето, седящо до него, той покри с ръце главата на момчето.

За щастие, тя не удари детето – но го удари Алберт, точно на зеления му ногит.

Ох! Бедният Албърт падна назад на седалката си и явно се нуждаеше от няколко мига, за да го разтърси. Може би е шокиран – колко често един алигатор се удари от бейзбол?

Момчето, което защитава, се опитва да помогне за възстановяването си, като приложи CPR, много за забавлението на гласоподавателите, които наричат ​​играта по телевизията.

СВЪРЗАНО: Тарсът на мечките не може да спре да се подхлъзга върху лед в оживен комерсиален изход на колата

Алберт се справя много по-добре сега, освен превръзката на носа си (а може би и натъртване на неговото его).

Бъди в безопасност в парка, Албърт!

Следвайте Shane Lou на Twitter.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Albert, the Florida Gators mascot, was enjoying the baseball game at the school from the stands on Wednesday when a foul ball entered his section. Worried that it might hit the child sitting next to him, he covered the boys head with his hands. Fortunately, the ball did not hit the child, but it hit Albert, right on his green leg. Saving children from inappropriate balls is just another reason to follow @AlbertGator on Twitter! #GoGators pic.twitter.com/44j6FgkpXa – Florida Gators (@FloridaGators) April 19, 2017. Oh! Poor Albert fell back on his seat and apparently needed a few moments to shake it off. Maybe hes shocked – how often does an alligator get hit by a baseball? The boy he was protecting tries to help him recover by applying CPR, much to the amusement of the commentators calling the game on television. RELATED: The bear cubs tar cant stop slipping on a busy car exit. Albert is doing much better now, except for the bandage on his nose (and maybe a bruised ego). Current mood @GatorsSB pic.twitter.com/B6BOgTmDjh – Albert (@AlbertGator) April 19, 2017. Stay safe in the park, Albert! Follow Shane Lou on Twitter.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Albert, the Florida Gators mascot, was enjoying the baseball game at the school from the stands on Wednesday when a foul ball entered his section. Worried that it might hit the child sitting next to him, he covered the boys head with his hands. Fortunately, the ball did not hit the child, but it hit Albert, right on his green leg. Saving children from inappropriate balls is just another reason to follow @AlbertGator on Twitter! #GoGators pic.twitter.com/44j6FgkpXa – Florida Gators (@FloridaGators) April 19, 2017. Oh! Poor Albert fell back on his seat and apparently needed a few moments to shake it off. Maybe hes shocked – how often does an alligator get hit by a baseball? The boy he was protecting tries to help him recover by applying CPR, much to the amusement of the commentators calling the game on television. RELATED: The bear cubs cant stop slipping on the ice in a busy car commercial exit. Albert is doing much better now, except for the bandage on his nose (and maybe a bruised ego). Current mood @GatorsSB pic.twitter.com/B6BOgTmDjh – Albert (@AlbertGator) April 19, 2017. Stay safe in the park, Albert! Follow Shane Lou on Twitter.

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