Prince George je školní obědové menu vhodné pro (budoucího) krále 2023

Prince George je školní obědové menu vhodné pro (budoucího) krále

Minulý týden dorazil čtyřletý princ George na první den ve škole na superstar a soukromou Thomasovu školu Battersea, která se nachází jen pár kilometrů od svého domova v Kensingtonském paláci.

Princ Charles možná vyjádřil soucit s nervy svého vnuka o situaci a řekl: “Špatná stará věc”, ale nemůžeme se omlouvat za Kate a Willsovou první malou – obzvláště poté, co jsme se podívali na školní dekadentní obědové nabídky.

princ George Attends Thomas's Battersea On His First Day At School
Getty Images

Jehněčí ragout s česnekem a čerstvými bylinkami, vepřové proužky “BBQ”, rajčatová a avokádová bruschetta, zapečená uzená makrela, kuřecí maso z volného výběhu s mletým chili con carne a třemi fazulemi ratatouille jsou jen některé z vynikajících jídel uvedených na výběrovém menu webové stránky školy. Každý den si děti mohou vybrat mezi masem, rybou nebo vegetariánskou stravou – a to nezahrnuje startér a čerstvě upečený chléb denně!

A neuděláme, že jsme začali na dezert. Od pudinkových koláčů a sušenek až po tropické ovocné smoothies a mléčné koktejly, možnosti nejen zdravě zdravé, ale uspokojí i všechny sladké zuby.

Škola, která stojí asi 8 350 dolarů za termín, říká, že vědomě nepoužívá ve svých receptech “pohodlí nebo zpracované” potraviny, nežádoucí přísady nebo hydrogenované tuky. Dává studentům také ranní přestávku, aby se dopřát věcí, jako jsou čerstvé ovoce, tyčinky, sýry a polotovarové mléko.

A pro děti s dietními omezeními se zdá být bezpečné místo. Kromě toho, že v celém areálu neexistuje žádná politika týkající se ořechů (rodiče nemají ani možnost přinášet předměty, které si s sebou dělají do školy), cateringové oddělení nabízí každý den v jídelně novou nabídku jídel pro alergiky. Jedná se o pokrmy, které jsou bezlepkové, vejce a mléčné výrobky.

“Každý termín pořádá cateringový tým řadu nápadů a jídel s důrazem na zdravé vaření, plnou chuť a prezentaci,” řekl Mark Newman, generální manažer společnosti Thomas’s na internetových stránkách. “Naším cílem je nejen přesvědčit žáky, aby jedli, ale hlavně aby měli vyváženou stravu ve škole.”

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Prince William oznámil, že George má opravdu dobrý první den, a jsme si jisti, že v menu, jako je tento, bude mít spoustu více během celého roku.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Last week, four-year-old Prince George arrived for his first day at the superstar and private Thomass Battersea school, which is located just a few kilometers from his home at Kensington Palace. Prince Charles may have expressed sympathy for his grandsons nerves about the situation and said, “Bad old thing,” but we cant blame Kate and William for their first little one – especially after we looked at the schools decadent lunch offerings. Getty Images Lamb ragout with garlic and fresh herbs, pork strips “BBQ,” tomato and avocado bruschetta, baked smoked mackerel, free-range chicken with ground chili con carne and three-bean ratatouille are just some of the excellent dishes listed on the schools selective menu website. Every day, children can choose between meat, fish, or vegetarian food – and that doesnt include a starter and freshly baked bread every day! And lets not pretend we started with dessert. From pudding pies and cookies to tropical fruit smoothies and milkshakes, the options not only satisfy healthy eaters but also satisfy all sweet tooths. The school, which costs about $8,350 per term, says it consciously does not use “convenience or processed” foods, unwanted additives, or hydrogenated fats in its recipes. It also gives students a morning break to indulge in things like fresh fruit, bars, cheeses, and semi-skimmed milk. And for children with dietary restrictions, it seems to be a safe place. In addition to there being no nut policy throughout the campus (parents dont even have the option to bring items that contain nuts to school), the catering department offers a new menu of allergen-free meals every day in the cafeteria. These are dishes that are gluten-free, egg-free, and dairy-free. “Every term, the catering team hosts a range of ideas and dishes with an emphasis on healthy cooking, full flavor, and presentation,” said Mark Newman, general manager of Thomass on the website. “Our goal is not only to convince students to eat but mainly to have a balanced diet at school.” Prince William announced that George had a really good first day, and were sure that with a menu like this, hell have plenty more throughout the year.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Last week, four-year-old Prince George arrived for his first day at the superstar and private Thomass Battersea school, located just a few kilometers from his home at Kensington Palace. Prince Charles may have expressed sympathy for his grandsons nerves about the situation and said, “Bad old thing,” but we cant apologize for Kate and Williams first little one – especially after we looked at the schools decadent lunch offerings. Getty Images Lamb ragout with garlic and fresh herbs, pork strips “BBQ,” tomato and avocado bruschetta, baked smoked mackerel, free-range chicken with ground chili con carne and three-bean ratatouille are just some of the excellent dishes listed on the schools selective menu website. Every day, children can choose between meat, fish, or vegetarian food – and that doesnt include a starter and freshly baked bread every day! And lets not pretend we started on dessert. From pudding pies and cookies to tropical fruit smoothies and milkshakes, the options not only satisfy healthy eaters but also all sweet tooths. The school, which costs about $8,350 per term, says it consciously does not use “convenience or processed” foods, unwanted additives, or hydrogenated fats in its recipes. It also gives students a morning break to indulge in things like fresh fruit, bars, cheeses, and semi-skimmed milk. And for children with dietary restrictions, it seems to be a safe place. In addition to there being no nut policy throughout the campus (parents dont even have the option to bring items that contain nuts to school), the catering department offers a new menu of allergen-free meals every day in the cafeteria. These are dishes that are gluten-free, egg-free, and dairy-free. “Every term, the catering team hosts a range of ideas and dishes with an emphasis on healthy cooking, full flavor, and presentation,” said Mark Newman, general manager of Thomass on the website. “Our goal is not only to convince students to eat but mainly to have a balanced diet at school.” Prince William announced that George had a really good first day, and were sure that with a menu like this, hell have plenty more throughout the year.

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