Нюйоркската градска къща, която Глория Вандербилт живее като бебе, е толкова голяма и разточителна, разделена е на три имота, всички от които са на път да се окажат на пазара.
Вандербилт, на 94 г., живее със семейството си в дома през 1924 г., преди баща й да умре през 1925 г..
Намиращ се в луксозния квартал Upper East Side, триплексът включва мезонет и по-ниско ниво, дуплекс на третия и четвъртия етаж и мезонет.
Пентхаусът, който ще бъде продаден за 30 млн. Долара, разполага с много слънчева светлина, проникваща през стените на прозорците навсякъде.
85 млн. Долара “стъкло чудо” в Малибу и други домове на супер богатите
Обновена с по-модерен вид, дома с площ от 5 700 квадратни метра разполага с официална всекидневна зона с елегантна камина и полилей от златна свещ.
В отделна фамилна стая има изложение в ъгъла и стенен телевизор с плосък екран.
Минималистичната бяла кухня е снабдена с остров от мрамор и има място за закуска.
Пентхаусът включва четири спални и четири пълни бани, всички от които се чувстват светло и стилно с декорните си докосвания. Уредът за бяла светлина дава една от спалните поп на шега, а елегантната вана за накисване осигурява изтънчен контраст срещу тъмното дърво в една от баните.
Частните тераси представляват около 1522 квадратни метра открито пространство.
Домът се очаква да се появи на пазара по-късно този месец чрез компанията Douglas Elliman Real Estate.
As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:
The New York City house where Gloria Vanderbilt lived as a baby is so large and lavish, divided into three properties, all of which are about to hit the market. Vanderbilt, 94, lived with her family in the home in 1924, before her father died in 1925. The triplex is expected to sell for $30 million. Located in the luxury Upper East Side neighborhood, the triplex includes a maisonette and lower level, a duplex on the third and fourth floors, and a penthouse. The penthouse, which will be sold for $30 million, has plenty of sunny light penetrating through the walls of the windows everywhere. The 5,700-square-meter “glass wonder” in Malibu and other homes of the super-rich are worth $85 million. The updated home features an official living area with an elegant fireplace and a gold candle chandelier. In a separate family room, there is a corner exhibition and a wall-mounted flat-screen TV. The bright and spacious family room has a minimalist white kitchen with a marble island and room for breakfast. The elegant and modern kitchen includes four bedrooms and four full bathrooms, all of which feel bright and stylish with their decorative touches. The white light fixture gives one of the bedrooms a pop of humor, while the elegant soaking tub provides a sophisticated contrast to the dark wood in one of the bathrooms. Private terraces represent about 1,522 square meters of outdoor space. The home is expected to hit the market later this month through Douglas Elliman Real Estate.
As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:
The New York City house where Gloria Vanderbilt lived as a baby is so large and lavish, divided into three properties, all of which are about to hit the market. Vanderbilt, 94, lived with her family in the home in 1924, before her father died in 1925. The triplex is expected to sell for $30 million. Located in the luxury Upper East Side neighborhood, the triplex includes a maisonette and lower level, a duplex on the third and fourth floors, and a penthouse. The penthouse, which will be sold for $30 million, has plenty of sunny light penetrating through the walls of the windows everywhere. The 5,700-square-meter “glass wonder” in Malibu and other homes of the super-rich are worth $85 million. The updated home features an official living area with an elegant fireplace and a gold candle chandelier. In a separate family room, there is a corner exhibition and a wall-mounted flat-screen TV. The bright and spacious family room has a minimalist white kitchen with a marble island and room for breakfast. The elegant and modern kitchen includes four bedrooms and four full bathrooms, all of which feel bright and stylish with their decorative touches. The white light fixture gives one of the bedrooms a pop of humor, while the elegant soaking tub provides a sophisticated contrast to the dark wood in one of the bathrooms. Private terraces represent about 1,522 square meters of outdoor space. The home is expected to hit the market later this month through Douglas Elliman Real Estate.