Šťastné 70. narozeniny, Cher! Podívejte se na nejvíce ikonické módní momenty

Šťastné 70. narozeniny, Cher! Podívejte se na nejvíce ikonické módní momenty

Dnes jsme zvyklí zpěváci, kteří se stávají herci, a aktéři se stávají aktivisty a aktivisté se stávají umělci a každá variace mezi nimi. Ale když se na scéně v 60. letech objevila Cher (née, ​​Cherilyn Sarkisian), s dlouhými lesklými vlasy a hlubokým rezonujícím hlasem si všichni mysleli, že zpěváci – a obzvláště zpěváci – dokáží dělat jen jednu věc:.

23 fotek


Prohlédněte evoluci stylu Cher: Od hippie ingenue po ikonu módy

Na Cherových 70. narozeninách oslavujeme ženu, která vždy vypadá úžasně – a nikdy ji nedovolí, aby ji definoval jeden styl.

Ale i na jejím začátku nemohla být Cher obsazena. Ona natřásla na scénu jako polovina lidového dua Sonny & Cher, než se rychle rozběhla a začala sólovou kariéru (kde prodávala přes 200 milionů alb celosvětově a vyhrávala Grammy).

SOUVISEJÍCÍ: Hovořte o tom, jak se obrátit zpět !: Cher a její matka vypadají úžasně na nové fotografii

Začala hrát v televizním pořadu (a vyhrát Emmy) a hrála v četných filmech (a vyhrála Oscara). A Cher neztratila své kořeny hudební kariéry: Je dosud jedinou umělkyní, která má Billboard číslo jedna jedna po dobu šesti desetiletí.

Cher's iconic style
ITV / REX / Shutterstock / ITV / REX / Shutterstock

Po celou dobu měla Cher velice sexy styl, který v roce 1999 získal uznání od Rady módních návrhářů Ameriky (CFDA). Cher se dívá na své tělo jako na uměleckou formu, která by měla být zdobena, oslavována, vystavována, pokryta jiskry a hrdě hrdě pro svět vidět. Pro tuto ikonickou dámu není žádná hanba v kráse, sexualitě nebo hravé, žánrové ohýbání. Je to spíše oslavování vlastního vnitřního posílení.

Cher's iconic style
Getty Images

SOUVISEJÍCÍ: Viz první pohled Cher jako obličej Marc Jacobs

A přesto, Cher používá tuto vnitřní sílu pro mnohem širší dobro, fundraising pro AIDS, Afriku, veterány, Habitat for Humanity a nesčetné příčiny, které podporují chudé a znevýhodněné. (V letošním roce donutila 180.000 lahví vody Flintu v Michiganu).

Cher's iconic style
Vince Bucci / Getty Images

Tady na svých 70. narozeninách slavíme ženu, která vždy vypadá úžasně – a nikdy jí nedovolí definovat jednu roli nebo styl.

Cher je nová tvář Marc Jacobs


About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion, but I can provide a translation of the text in English.

    Today, we are used to singers becoming actors, actors becoming activists, and activists becoming artists, and every variation in between. But when Cher (née, Cherilyn Sarkisian) appeared on the scene in the 60s, with her long shiny hair and deep resonating voice, everyone thought that singers – and especially female singers – could only do one thing.

    On Chers 70th birthday, we celebrate the woman who always looks amazing – and never allows herself to be defined by one style. She shook onto the scene as half of the folk duo Sonny & Cher, before quickly branching out and starting a solo career (where she sold over 200 million albums worldwide and won Grammys).

    She started acting on TV (and winning Emmys) and starred in numerous films (and won an Oscar). And Cher never lost her roots in her music career: she is still the only artist to have a Billboard number one hit for six decades.

    Throughout it all, Cher had a very sexy style, which was recognized by the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) in 1999. Cher sees her body as an artistic form that should be adorned, celebrated, exhibited, covered in sparkles, and proudly displayed for the world to see. For this iconic lady, there is no shame in beauty, sexuality, or playful genre-bending. It is rather a celebration of her own inner empowerment.

    And yet, Cher uses this inner strength for much greater good, fundraising for AIDS, Africa, veterans, Habitat for Humanity, and countless causes that support the poor and disadvantaged. (This year, she donated 180,000 bottles of water to Flint, Michigan).

    On her 70th birthday, we celebrate the woman who always looks amazing – and never allows herself to be defined by one role or style.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion, but I can provide a translation of the text in English.

    Today, we are used to singers becoming actors, actors becoming activists, and activists becoming artists, and every variation in between. But when Cher (née, Cherilyn Sarkisian) appeared on the scene in the 60s, with her long shiny hair and deep resonating voice, everyone thought that singers – and especially female singers – could only do one thing.

    On Chers 70th birthday, we celebrate the woman who always looks amazing – and never allows herself to be defined by one style. She shook onto the scene as half of the folk duo Sonny & Cher, before quickly branching out and starting a solo career (where she sold over 200 million albums worldwide and won Grammys).

    She started acting on TV (and winning Emmys) and starred in numerous films (and won an Oscar). And Cher never lost her roots in her music career: she is still the only artist to have a Billboard number one hit for six decades.

    Throughout it all, Cher had a very sexy style, which was recognized by the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) in 1999. Cher sees her body as an artistic form that should be adorned, celebrated, exhibited, covered in sparkles, and proudly displayed for the world to see. For this iconic lady, there is no shame in beauty, sexuality, or playful genre-bending. It is rather a celebration of her own inner empowerment.

    And yet, Cher uses this inner strength for much greater good, fundraising for AIDS, Africa, veterans, Habitat for Humanity, and countless causes that support the poor and disadvantaged. (This year, she donated 180,000 bottles of water to Flint, Michigan).

    On her 70th birthday, we celebrate the woman who always looks amazing – and never allows herself to be defined by one role or style.

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