Когато става дума за прически, опциите наистина са безкрайни.
Изглежда, че има нов термин, който се появява почти всеки ден, като кифли от октопод или плитки с цип. Кой дори знае какво означава дори класически качулат?
Така че с всички тези фантастични термини, човек би си помислил нещо толкова просто, колкото половината нагоре, пони-понито пони щеше да бъде толкова често, колкото пигтейли.
Но за една майка, овладяването на половин нагоре половин надолу поглед доведе до оживен прическа не успее, че има интернет смее.
17-годишната Хана де Кастро създаде доста раздразнение, когато тя изстреля снимка от хип-хоп танца на 8-годишна възраст.
Може да се твърди, че косата й е технически половината наполовина надолу – само с една страна нагоре и една страна надолу, вместо хоризонталното разделяне, което обикновено се свързва със стила.
“Като дете, косата ми винаги е била надолу или на редовно пони, така че майка ми нямаше много опит. Това беше първият и последен път, когато майка ми се опита да погледне наполовина надолу по гръб”, пише De Castro на ДНЕС Стил чрез Twitter директни съобщения.
Истински мъже плитка: Dads облигации с дъщери в (очарователни) нов клас
Очевидно е ударил нервите, тъй като tweet има повече от 212,000 харесвания и 60,000 ретюта.
“Тогава, самият аз не бях наясно с това, което беше наполовина нагоре, така че не можах да поправя грешката”, каза тя. “Днес мисля, че снимката е оживена и всъщност тя е затворена на стената ми.”
Що се отнася до майка й, Де Кастро обясни, че е малко неудобна, но сега се смее.
Вероятно помага, че тя не е сама. Братовчедката на Де Кастро Дженифър де Кастро също сподели една снимка със същия вид.
И други на Twitter са скочили, за да споделят собствените си прически не успеят снимки.
Независимо от външния вид, ако сте родител, който се опитва да оформя косата на вашето дете, ние Ви желаем най-доброто от късмет!
As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion, but I can provide a translation of the text.
When it comes to hairstyles, the options are truly endless. It seems like there is a new term popping up almost every day, like octopus buns or zipper braids. Who even knows what a classic French braid means anymore? So with all these fantastic terms, one would think something as simple as half-up, half-down ponytails would be as common as pigtails. But for one mother, mastering the half-up, half-down look led to a lively hairstyle fail that even made it to the internet.
17-year-old Hannah de Castro caused quite a stir when she posted a photo from her hip-hop dance at the age of 8. Her hair was technically half-up, half-down – just with one side up and one side down, instead of the horizontal parting usually associated with the style. Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, is a big fan of the traditional half-up, half-down look.
“As a child, my hair was always down or in regular ponytails, so my mom didnt have much experience. This was the first and last time my mom attempted to look half-up, half-down from the back,” she wrote.
Its obviously struck a nerve, as the tweet has over 212,000 likes and 60,000 retweets. “So I myself wasnt aware of what half-up meant, so I couldnt correct the mistake,” she said. “Today, I think the photo is lively and actually its hanging on my wall.”
As for her mother, de Castro explained that shes a little embarrassed but now laughs about it. It probably helps that shes not alone. De Castros cousin Jennifer de Castro also shared a photo with the same look.
Regardless of the outward appearance, if youre a parent trying to style your childs hair, we wish you the best of luck!
As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion, but I can provide a translation of the text.
When it comes to hairstyles, the options are truly endless. It seems like there is a new term popping up almost every day, like octopus buns or zipper braids. Who even knows what a classic French braid means anymore? So with all these fantastic terms, one would think something as simple as half-up, half-down ponytails would be as common as pigtails. But for one mother, mastering the half-up, half-down look led to a lively hairstyle fail that even made it to the internet.
17-year-old Hannah de Castro caused quite a stir when she posted a photo from her hip-hop dance at the age of 8. Her hair was technically half-up, half-down – just with one side up and one side down, instead of the horizontal parting usually associated with the style. Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, is a big fan of the traditional half-up, half-down style.
“As a child, my hair was always down or in a regular ponytail, so my mom didnt have much experience. This was the first and last time my mom attempted to look half-up, half-down from the back,” she wrote on Twitter.
It obviously struck a nerve, as the tweet has over 212,000 likes and 60,000 retweets. “So I myself wasnt aware of what half-up meant, so I couldnt correct the mistake,” she said. “Today, I think the photo is lively and actually its hanging on my wall.”
As for her mother, de Castro explained that she was a little embarrassed but now laughs about it. It probably helps that shes not alone. De Castros cousin Jennifer de Castro also shared a photo with the same look.
I guess none of our moms knew what they were doing… pic.twitter.com/9whnyrbzO6
— Jennifer de Castro (@jenniferrosedc) June 12, 2017
And others on Twitter have jumped in to share their own hairstyle fail photos.
Regardless of the look, if youre a parent trying to style your childs hair, we wish you the best of luck!