Кери Ъндърууд разкрива алтернативни бебешки имена, момичетата се смазват на ДНЕС

Кери Ъндърууд разкрива алтернативни бебешки имена, момичетата се смазват на ДНЕС

Бебето на Кари Ъндърууд има красиво име: Исайя Майкъл Фишър.

Но това не означава, че певецът на страната (който избухва всички в петък с представленията си в ДНЕС) и съпругът Майк Фишър нямат предвид алтернативни идеи.

Кери Ъндърууд: Моето алтернативно име за бебе Исая беше …


Хода Котб издърпа Кари настрани, след като пееше за деня, и седна за чатал (беше толкова случайно, че Хода все още беше в ролките за коса) в зелената стая и научи няколко неща.

Името, което искаха, беше “хвърляне между Исая и Халеб” – каза Кари. – Кристиан също беше в списъка, а когато излезе “Петдесет сенки на сивото”, точно като този момент, аз съм като “Кристиан е извън списъка, мамо,

Кари Underwood and Jamie Dornan as Christian Grey.
Кари Ъндърууд и Джейми Дорнан като Кристиан Грей.ДНЕС, фокус филми

Тогава някои приятели имаха бебе на име Калеб, така че името също си отиде.

Но това не е единственото име, което Underwood иска да сподели по време на разговора си с Хода. Отне няколко секунди, за да реши кой е “смазаната момиче на знаменитост”, но се оказа, че … Хода! Благодарение на навиващите, разбира се.

– Толкова е горещо – каза Ъндърууд.

– Не мисля, че тя смяташе, че котлоните са горещи, изобщо не – отвърна Котб по-късно.

Но може би го направи!

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text in Bulgarian to English.

    The baby of Carrie Underwood has a beautiful name: Isaiah Michael Fisher. But that doesnt mean that the country singer (who burst everyone on Friday with her performances on TODAY) and her husband Mike Fisher didnt have alternative ideas. “My alternative name for baby Isaiah was…” said Carrie. Hoda Kotb pulled Carrie aside after singing for the day and sat down to chat (it was so casual that Hoda still had her hair rollers in) in the green room and learned a few things. The name they wanted was “throwing between Isaiah and Caleb,” Carrie said. “Christian was also on the list, and when Fifty Shades of Grey came out, just like that moment, Im like, Christians off the list, Mom, Carrie Underwood and Jamie Dornan as Christian Grey. TODAY, FOCUS FEATURES. Then some friends had a baby named Caleb, so the name went away too. But thats not the only name Underwood wants to share during her conversation with Hoda. It took a few seconds to decide who the “smashed celebrity girl” was, but it turned out to be… Hoda! Thanks to the cheering, of course. “Its so hot,” Underwood said. “I dont think she thought the burners were hot at all,” Kotb replied later. But maybe she did!

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text in Bulgarian to English.

    The baby of Carrie Underwood has a beautiful name: Isaiah Michael Fisher. But that doesnt mean that the country singer (who burst everyone on Friday with her performances on TODAY) and her husband Mike Fisher didnt have alternative ideas. “My alternative name for baby Isaiah was…” said Carrie. Hoda Kotb pulled Carrie aside after singing for the day and sat down to chat (it was so casual that Hoda still had rollers in her hair) in the green room and learned a few things. The name they wanted was “throwing between Isaiah and Caleb,” Carrie said. “Christian was also on the list, and when Fifty Shades of Grey came out, just like that moment, Im like, Christians off the list, Mom, Carrie Underwood and Jamie Dornan as Christian Grey. TODAY, FOCUS FEATURES. Then some friends had a baby named Caleb, so the name went away too. But thats not the only name Underwood wants to share during her conversation with Hoda. It took a few seconds to decide who the “smashed celebrity girl” was, but it turned out to be… Hoda! Thanks to the cheering, of course. “Its so hot,” Underwood said. “I dont think she thought the burners were hot at all,” Kotb replied later. But maybe she did!

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