Gwyneth Paltrowová mluví o vychovávání dospívající dívky – a je to jedna: “Bylo to brutální”

Gwyneth Paltrowová mluví o vychovávání dospívající dívky – a je to jedna: “Bylo to brutální”

Je to oscarová herečka a úspěšný výkonný ředitel, ale Goop maven Gwyneth Paltrow má další těžkou práci – je to maminka do tween chlapec a dospívající dívka.

Gwyneth Paltrowová na značce Goop, herecká kariéra, dcera Apple


Ale ve čtvrtek dopoledne na TODAY si vzpomněla na něco ještě tvrdšího – prožívání samých let.

“Myslím, že je to třináctiletá dívka naštvaná bez ohledu na to, jaké století,” řekla o věku, její dcera, Apple, je teď. “Bez ohledu na časový rámec, myslím, že je to jen těžké.”

Zejména pro Paltrow: “Bylo to brutální.”

4. Annual New York Caberet Benefit for the Williamstown Theater Festival
Blythe Danner a její potomka třináctiletá dcera Gwyneth Paltrowová v Studio 54 v New Yorku v roce 1985.Ron Galella / WireImage

“Opravdu jsem se snažil vyrůst do tohoto neohrabaného, ​​otupělého těla, o kterém si myslím, že jsem se naplnil,” vysvětlila. “Měl jsem závorky a rozhodl jsem se, že by bylo dobré, kdybyste si oholela hlavu.”

Ale když se teď dívá zpátky, ví, že ty rostoucí bolesti jsou důležité, aby se stala ženou, kterou je dnes.

“Myslím, že je to čas v životě, když se snažíte na různých osobnostech a snažíte se zjistit, jakou osobu budete.”

Pokud jde o druh člověka, který roste, matka je potěšena.

“Musím říci, že Apple je tak daleko … je docela skvělá,” ujistil ho Paltrow.

Přestože se vždy necítí skvěle, když projevuje typické chování dospívajících.

“Je to jako,” Můžete zavřít dveře? ” a já jsem rád: “Počkej, se mnou na druhé straně!” “řekla herečka – obrácená podnikatelka. “Ale kromě toho je zatím tak docela hladké.”

Jen čas vám řekne, jestli se věci zdají být tak hladké, když se Paltrow zvedá dva dospívající – a nebude to moc času. Syn Moses je už 11 let.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on any topic. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English for better understanding:

    “Its about an Oscar-winning actress and successful executive director, but Goop maven Gwyneth Paltrow has another tough job – shes a mom to a tween boy and a teenage girl. On Thursday morning on TODAY, she remembered something even tougher – going through the teenage years. “I think its a 13-year-old girl whos angry no matter what century,” she said of the age her daughter, Apple, is now. “Regardless of the timeframe, I think its just hard.” Especially for Paltrow: “It was brutal.” But when she looks back now, she knows those growing pains were important to becoming the woman she is today. “I think its a time in life when youre trying on different personalities and trying to figure out what kind of person youre going to be.” As for the kind of person her daughter is growing into, the mother is pleased. “I have to say, Apple is so far…shes pretty great,” Paltrow assured him. Although she doesnt always feel great about typical teenage behavior. “Its like, Can you close the door? and Im like, Wait, with me on the other side!” said the actress-turned-entrepreneur. “But other than that, its been pretty smooth sailing so far.” Only time will tell if things seem as smooth when Paltrow is raising two teenagers – and it wont be long. Son Moses is already 11 years old.”

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on any topic. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English for better understanding:

    “Its about an Oscar-winning actress and successful executive director, but Goop maven Gwyneth Paltrow has another tough job – shes a mom to a tween boy and a teenage girl. On Thursday morning on TODAY, she remembered something even tougher – going through the teenage years. “I think its a 13-year-old girl whos angry no matter what century,” she said of the age her daughter, Apple, is now. “Regardless of the timeframe, I think its just hard.” Especially for Paltrow: “It was brutal.” But when she looks back now, she knows those growing pains were important to becoming the woman she is today. “I think its a time in life when youre trying on different personalities and trying to figure out what kind of person youre going to be.” As for the kind of person her daughter is growing into, the mother is pleased. “I have to say, Apple is so far…shes pretty great,” Paltrow assured him. Although she doesnt always feel great about typical teenage behavior. “Its like, Can you close the door? and Im like, Wait, with me on the other side!” said the actress-turned-entrepreneur. “But other than that, its been pretty smooth sailing so far.” Only time will tell if things seem as smooth when Paltrow is raising two teenagers – and it wont be long. Son Moses is already 11 years old.”

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