“Teorie velkého třesku” hvězda Kaley Cuoco nakapá vlasy do pixie

“Teorie velkého třesku” hvězda Kaley Cuoco nakapá vlasy do pixie

Celý Pan? Poté, co v závěru dubna odřízla zámky do úhlového bobu, Kaley Cuoco oficiálně odřízl vlasy do odvážného střihu v sobotu. 

FOTOGRAFIE: Celebrity s pixie cuts

Sdílela pohled na Instagram a napsala: “Děkuji @clsymonds za to, že jsem vyvedl svůj vnitřní Peter Pan 🙂 #byronbeverlyhills #justcutitoff.” 


FOTKY: Celebrity s boby

28-ti letá hvězda “The Big Bang Theory”, která si vzala tenis pro Ryana Sweetinga na silvestrovský večer, vypadá roztomilý a nervózní ve svém novém filmu, který se velmi podobá hvězdě “Hunger Games” Jennifer Lawrence se v těchto dnech houpá. 

Oba její bzučelé bobové oči a její nový bodový povrch byly vytvořeny kadeřníkem Christine Symondsovou a Cuoco nemohl být více vděčný. 

FOTKY: Celebrity nevěsty, které neměly bílou barvu

“Slova nemohou popsat lásku, kterou mám za sluneční paprsek, který je @clsymonds,” napsala sitcomová hvězda 24. května. 


Když získala její ostrý nový vzhled, Cuoco narazila na město se svým hubbami a několika přáteli, aby viděli Pharrell Williams a Bruno Mars v koncertě. 

FOTOGRAFIE: Pharrell a Kaley dostali slim 

“Nejlepší noc v misce! #Pharrell # brunomars # happy,” podepsala fotografickou koláž noci. 

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    After cutting her locks into an angular bob at the end of April, Kaley Cuoco officially chopped off her hair into a bold pixie cut on Saturday. The 28-year-old star of “The Big Bang Theory,” who married tennis player Ryan Sweeting on New Years Eve, looks cute and nervous in her new film, which bears a striking resemblance to “Hunger Games” star Jennifer Lawrence these days. Both her buzzy bob eyes and her new spiky surface were created by hairstylist Christine Symonds, and Cuoco couldnt be more grateful. When she got her sharp new look, Cuoco hit the town with her hubs and a few friends to see Pharrell Williams and Bruno Mars in concert. “Best night in the bowl! #Pharrell #brunomars #happy,” she captioned a photo collage of the night.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language as my mother tongue. However, I can provide a translation of the text in Czech language to English language.

    The whole Mr.? After cutting locks into a corner bob at the end of April, Kaley Cuoco officially cut her hair into a bold cut on Saturday. She shared a view on Instagram and wrote: “Thank you @clsymonds for bringing out my inner Peter Pan #byronbeverlyhills #justcutitoff.” The 28-year-old star of “The Big Bang Theory”, who married tennis player Ryan Sweeting on New Years Eve, looks cute and nervous in her new film, which is very similar to “Hunger Games” star Jennifer Lawrence these days. Both her buzzing bob eyes and her new dotted surface were created by hairdresser Christine Symonds, and Cuoco couldnt be more grateful. “Words cannot describe the love I have for the ray of sunshine that is @clsymonds ❤️❤️happy birthday gorgeous!!!!!,” wrote the sitcom star on May 24th. When she got her sharp new look, Cuoco hit the town with her hubs and a few friends to see Pharrell Williams and Bruno Mars in concert. “The best night in the bowl! #Pharrell # brunomars # happy,” she signed the photo collage of the night.

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