“Je to všechno to shledání! Viz Rachael Leigh Cook a Freddie Prinze Jr. o 17 let později

“Je to všechno to shledání! Viz Rachael Leigh Cook a Freddie Prinze Jr. o 17 let později

Byli super-sladká v roce 1999, když se spřáhli za veselý rom-com “She’s All That”. Nyní, o 17 let později (jo, jsme starý!) Freddie Prinze Jr. a Rachael Leigh Cooková jsou stejně rozkošná jako kdykoli!

Ona's All That movie poster
Moviestore / REX / Shutterstock

Jak to víme? Vzhledem k tomu, že pár nedávno zveřejnil fotky z setkání, měli nad šálkem kávy!

VÍCE: “Je to všechno”, která se zopakuje jenom jako pověst: “Neexistuje žádná dohoda”

Pro ty, kteří dosud nebyli miloví s vidět “ona je to všechno,” musíte určitě přidat do vašeho seznamu. Film je o středověké oblíbené kluci (Prinze), který sází s kamarádem (hraje pozdě Paul Walker) o tom, zda mohou zase dělat moudrou dívku (Cook, která je jen špinavá v představě, jakou Hollywood vidí) do plesová královna. Uspěje – ale ne tak, jak očekává někdo.

Ona's All That, Rachael Leigh Cook, Freddie Prinze Jr
Rachael Leigh Cook dala Freddie Prinze Jr. nečekané vzdělání v “She’s All That”.Moviestore / REX / Shutterstock

Navíc má tyhle dvě, které jsou po všech těch letech stále “všechno”.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text in Czech to English:

    “They were super sweet in 1999 when they starred in the cheerful rom-com “Shes All That”. Now, 17 years later (yes, were old!), Freddie Prinze Jr. and Rachael Leigh Cook are just as adorable as ever! How do we know? Because the couple recently posted photos from their meeting over a cup of coffee! When homie @RachaelLCook wants to give you coffee, you get some smoke! #OldFriendsNewFriends pic.twitter.com/Pf8tDOdLeR – Freddie Prinze Jr (@RealFPJr) September 8, 2016. For those who have not yet fallen in love with “Shes All That,” you must definitely add it to your list. The film is about a medieval popular guy (Prinze) who bets with his friend (played by the late Paul Walker) that they can turn a smart girl (Cook, who is only dirty in Hollywoods imagination) into a prom queen. They succeed – but not as anyone expects. In addition, these two are still “all that” after all these years.”

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text in Czech to English:

    “They were super sweet in 1999 when they starred in the cheerful rom-com “Shes All That”. Now, 17 years later (yes, were old!), Freddie Prinze Jr. and Rachael Leigh Cook are just as adorable as ever! How do we know? Because the couple recently posted photos from their meeting over a cup of coffee! When homie @RachaelLCook wants to give you coffee, you get some smoke! #OldFriendsNewFriends pic.twitter.com/Pf8tDOdLeR – Freddie Prinze Jr (@RealFPJr) September 8, 2016. For those who have not yet fallen in love with “Shes All That,” you must definitely add it to your list. The film is about a medieval popular guy (Prinze) who bets with his friend (played by the late Paul Walker) that they can turn a smart girl (Cook, who is only dirty in Hollywoods imagination) into a prom queen. They succeed – but not as anyone expects. In addition, these two are still “all that” after all these years.”

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