“Harry Potterův” strýc Vernon, Richard Griffiths, zemřel ve věku 65 let

“Harry Potterův” strýc Vernon, Richard Griffiths, zemřel ve věku 65 let

Richard Griffiths, všestranný britský herec, který hrál v filmových filmech “Harry Potter” nepřátelský chlapec čarodějův nezdvořilý strýc Vernon, zemřel. Byl 65 let.

Agent Simon Beresford oznámil v pátek, že Griffiths zemřel den před komplikací po srdeční chirurgii na univerzitní nemocnici v Coventry v centrální Anglii.

Poprosil Griffiths jako “pozoruhodného muže a jednoho z našich největších a nejoblíbenějších herců”.

Griffiths se objevil v desítkách filmů a televizních pořadů, ale bude se nejvíce připomínat jako dvojice kontrastujících strýců – hrdinův neochotný mudlovský strážce v seriálu Harry Potter a okázalý strýček Monty v 80. letech kultu klasické “Withnail a já”.

“Byl jsem hrdá na to, že jsem ho znal,” řekl hvězda Harryho Pottera Daniel Radcliffe.

Velký muž a obrovská scénická přítomnost, Griffiths byl jedním z předních britských divadelních herců a vytvořil roli včetně charismatického učitele Hectora v emocionálním srdci “The History Boys” od Alana Bennetta – část, kterou vzal na Broadwayi a získal cenu Tony , a opakoval filmovou adaptaci.

Národní divadelní umělecký režisér Nicholas Hytner, který režíroval “The History Boys”, nazýval Griffithův výkon v této hře “mistrovské dílo vtipu, pochoutky, špatnosti a zpustošení, často současně”.

Griffiths také hrál básníka W.H. Auden v Bennettově “Zvyku umění”, což je nesmírně přesvědčivý výkon i přes nedostatek fyzické podobnosti mezi oběma muži.

Známý svým smyslem pro humor, velkým množstvím divadelních anekdot a příležitostnými výbuchy temperamentu, byl Griffiths proslulý pro členy posluchačů, jejichž mobilní telefony zazněly během hry tím, že zastavily představení a nařídily, aby pachatel odešel.

Poslední důležitou roli Griffithsové byla v produkci West Endové komedie Neil Simon “The Sunshine Boys” minulý rok proti Danny DeVito.

V roce 2007 se objevil v londýnské produkci “Equus” vedle tehdejšího 17letého Radcliffe.

“Richard byl po mém boku během dvou nejdůležitějších okamžiků mé kariéry,” řekl v pátek Radcliffe.

“V srpnu 2000, předtím, než oficiální produkce dokonce začala na Potterovi, natočili jsme záběr mimo Dursleys, který byl můj první zastřelen jako Harry. Byl jsem nervózní a cítil se v pohodě.

“O sedm let později jsme se společně pustili do” Equus “. Byla to poprvé, kdy jsem hrála hru, ale jak jsem byla vyděšená, jeho povzbuzení, výcvik a humor to dělaly radost.

“Ve skutečnosti, každá místnost, do které vstoupila, byla dvakrát tak zábavná a dvakrát tak chytřejší právě díky své přítomnosti.”

Griffiths přežil jeho manželka Heather Gibsonová.

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  1. Richard Griffiths, a versatile British actor who played the unfriendly wizards uncle Vernon in the “Harry Potter” films, has died. He was 65. Agent Simon Beresford announced on Friday that Griffiths died the previous day of complications following heart surgery at a university hospital in Coventry in central England. He described Griffiths as “a remarkable man and one of our greatest and best-loved actors.” Griffiths appeared in dozens of films and television shows, but will be most remembered as the contrasting pair of uncles – the heros reluctant Muggle guardian in the Harry Potter series and the flamboyant Uncle Monty in the 1980s cult classic “Withnail and I.” “I was proud to say I knew him,” said Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe. A great man and a huge stage presence, Griffiths was one of Britains leading stage actors and created roles including the charismatic teacher Hector in Alan Bennetts emotionally charged “The History Boys” – a part he took to Broadway and won a Tony Award for, and repeated in the film adaptation. National Theatre artistic director Nicholas Hytner, who directed “The History Boys,” called Griffiths performance in the play “a masterclass of wit, delicacy, mischief and desolation, often simultaneously.” Griffiths also played poet W.H. Auden in Bennetts “The Habit of Art,” a hugely convincing performance despite the lack of physical resemblance between the two men. Known for his sense of humor, a wealth of theatrical anecdotes, and occasional outbursts of temper, Griffiths was notorious for members of the audience whose mobile phones rang during a performance, stopping the show and ordering the offender to leave. Griffiths last major role was in last years West End production of Neil Simons “The Sunshine Boys” opposite Danny DeVito. In 2007, he appeared in the London production of “Equus” alongside then-17-year-old Radcliffe. “Richard was by my side during two of the most important moments of my career,” Radcliffe said on Friday. “In August 2000, before official production even began on Potter, we filmed a shot outside the Dursleys, which was my first ever shot as Harry. I was nervous and he made me feel at ease. “Seven years later, we embarked on Equus together. It was my first time doing a play but with his encouragement, tutelage, and humor, it was

  2. Richard Griffiths, a versatile British actor who played the unfriendly wizards uncle Vernon in the “Harry Potter” films, has died. He was 65. Agent Simon Beresford announced on Friday that Griffiths died the day before complications from heart surgery at a university hospital in Coventry in central England. He described Griffiths as a “remarkable man and one of our greatest and most beloved actors.” Griffiths appeared in dozens of films and television shows, but will be most remembered as the contrasting pair of uncles – the heros reluctant Muggle guardian in the Harry Potter series and the flamboyant Uncle Monty in the 1980s cult classic “Withnail and I.” “I was proud to have known him,” said Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe. A great man and a huge stage presence, Griffiths was one of Britains leading stage actors and created roles including the charismatic teacher Hector in Alan Bennetts emotional heart “The History Boys” – a part he took to Broadway and won a Tony Award, and repeated in the film adaptation. National Theatre artistic director Nicholas Hytner, who directed “The History Boys,” called Griffiths performance in the play “a masterwork of wit, delicacy, mischief and desolation, often simultaneously.” Griffiths also played poet W.H. Auden in Bennetts “Habit of Art,” which is an incredibly convincing performance despite the lack of physical similarity between the two men. Known for his sense of humor, a wealth of theatrical anecdotes, and occasional outbursts of temper, Griffiths was famous for members of the audience whose mobile phones rang during the play, stopping the performance and ordering the perpetrator to leave. Griffiths last important role was in last years West End production of Neil Simons “The Sunshine Boys” opposite Danny DeVito. In 2007, he appeared in the London production of “Equus” alongside then-17-year-old Radcliffe. “Richard was by my side during two of the most important moments of my career,” Radcliffe said on Friday. “In August 2000, before the official production even started on Potter, we shot a scene outside the Dursleys, which was my first shot as Harry. I was nervous and felt comfortable. “Seven years later, we embarked on Equus together. It was the first time I had played the game, but as I was scared, his encouragement, training, and humor made it

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