“Downton Abbey’s” Mary a Matthew opět spolu! Podívejte se na sladké reunion pic

“Downton Abbey’s” Mary a Matthew opět spolu! Podívejte se na sladké reunion pic

Je to dva a půl roku od doby, kdy se Matthew Crawley setkal s osudem na “Downton Abbey”, a nechal Lady Mary vdovu a fanoušky,.

Ale je tu dobrá zpráva! Matouš s Marií se znovu sešli tento týden.

Michelle Dockery and Dan Stevens from Downton Abbey
Michelle Dockery a Dan Stevens z opatství Downton VELEDÍLO

Ve skutečnosti to byli hvězdy Dan Stevens a Michelle Dockery, kteří se znovu sešli, ale nejbližší věc, kterou věnovali diváci “Downton”, se opět setkají s oblíbeným párem fanoušků.


“Sjednotil,” napsal Dockery v titulku doprovázejícím černobílou fotografii dvojice. “Vynechala jsem tuhle tvář.”

Dokonce zahrnovala hashtags “#LastDaysOfDownton” a “#matthewandmary”.

DALŠÍ: Projděte vonící soli! “Downton Abbey” končí svou sezónu 6

Příležitostí, která přinesla shromáždění, byla zvláštní akce BAFTA (British Academy of Film and Television Arts) na počest konce milované série.

VÍCE: ‘Downton Abbey’ odnesl kroniky posledních dnů na setu prostřednictvím sociálních médií

Stevens později zveřejnil barevnou verzi stejného snímku a přidal do své minulosti svůj vlastní sladký klobouk.


“Me a M’Lady jsou spolu,” napsal.

VÍCE: Dan Stevens se omlouvá za svou smrtí “Downton Abbey”

Finální sezóna “Downton Abbey” bude v USA v PBS letos v zimě.

Sledujte Ree Hines Cvrlikání a Google+.

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  1. Its been two and a half years since Matthew Crawley met his fate on “Downton Abbey,” leaving Lady Mary widowed and fans heartbroken. But theres good news! Matthew and Mary reunited this week. In fact, it was stars Dan Stevens and Michelle Dockery who reunited, but the closest thing fans of “Downton” will get to seeing the beloved couple together again. “Reunited,” Dockery wrote in the caption accompanying the black-and-white photo of the pair. “Ive missed this face.” She even included hashtags “#LastDaysOfDownton” and “#matthewandmary.” The occasion that brought the gathering was a special BAFTA (British Academy of Film and Television Arts) event in honor of the end of the beloved series. The final season of “Downton Abbey” will air in the US on PBS this winter.

  2. Its been two and a half years since Matthew Crawley met his fate on “Downton Abbey,” leaving Lady Mary widowed and fans heartbroken. But theres good news! Matthew and Mary reunited this week. In fact, it was stars Dan Stevens and Michelle Dockery who reunited, but the closest thing fans of “Downton” will get to seeing the beloved couple together again. “Reunited,” Dockery wrote in the caption accompanying the black-and-white photo of the pair. “Ive missed this face.” She even included hashtags “#LastDaysOfDownton” and “#matthewandmary.” The occasion that brought the gathering was a special BAFTA (British Academy of Film and Television Arts) event in honor of the end of the beloved series. The final season of “Downton Abbey” will air in the US on PBS this winter.

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