Carrie Underwoodová sdílí podrobnosti o děsivé nehodě: “Vrátila mě zpět”

Carrie Underwoodová sdílí podrobnosti o děsivé nehodě: “Vrátila mě zpět”

Carrie Underwood se otvírá o děsivé listopadové nehodě, která jí zlomila zápěstí a způsobila, že jí obdržela více než 40 stehů.

Během jejího čtvrtečního vystoupení na výstavě “The Bobby Bones Show” od iHeartRadio 35letá superstar uvedla, že nehoda, která se stala, když vyskočila na schodech mimo její domov v Nashvillu, ji “vrátila zpět” fyzicky i emocionálně.

“Bral jsem ty psy venku … Jen jsem se zastavil, a tam byl jeden krok a já jsem neopustil vodítka. Priority!” zpěvačka sdílela její pád, což jí také způsobilo zlomení pravého zápěstí. “Takže to je důvod, proč má levá ruka v pořádku, ale já jsem šel zachytit sám sebe a já jsem prostě unikl kroku, kdybych spadl kdekoli jinde, byl bych naprosto v pořádku.

Přestože byla její “vzpomínka” od jejího pádu “nervózní”, fanoušci zpěváka si všimli, že vypadá tak úžasně jako vždy. Křídové křídy, které se dějí.

“Měl jsem štěstí v léčivém procesu,” řekla. “Měla jsem štěstí, že když se to stalo, všechno se v hudebním světě vypískalo a my jsme měli takové svátky a podobné věci. Ale byl jsem v tom okamžiku, kdy jsem nevěděl, jak se věci skončí … nevěděl, co se bude léčit. “

To, co nejvíce zhoršilo “American Idol” alum o její zranění zápěstí, bylo to, že pro něj bylo obtížné zůstat aktivní.

“Nejvíce frustrující část se pokoušela vyřešit s rozbitým zápěstím a kolik to může odhodit váš svět, mít přílohu, která je tam, ale prostě nemůžete použít,” řekla.

Také se obávala jejího syna Isaiah, 3 (se svým hubbem, profesionálním hokejistou Mikem Fisherem), by se strach zřeže na obličej.

Nyní on je sladký. Chvíli jsem se obával, že se mně bude bát, ale teď, když udělám make-up, je to jako: “Mami, vaše boo-boo je pryč,” řekla.

Teď je zpátky v ateliéru, kde nahrává své nové album “Cry Pretty” a je nadšená, že zase dělá hudbu pro fanoušky.

“Cítí se dobře,” řekla. “Cítím se dobře pokaždé, ale je to dobrý pocit.”

Carrie Underwood poprvé vystupuje od její nehody


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text in Czech to English.

    Carrie Underwood opens up about a terrifying November accident that broke her wrist and caused her to receive more than 40 stitches. During her Thursday appearance on “The Bobby Bones Show” at iHeartRadio, the 35-year-old superstar said the accident, which occurred when she jumped on stairs outside her Nashville home, “brought her back” physically and emotionally. “I was taking the dogs out … I just stopped, and there was one step, and I didnt let go of the leashes. Priorities!” the singer shared her fall, which also caused her to break her right wrist. “So thats why my left hands fine, but I went to catch myself and I just missed a step. If I had fallen anywhere else, I would have been perfectly fine. Although her “memory” of her fall was “nerve-wracking,” fans of the singer noticed that she looks as amazing as ever. Chalk it up to the healing process. “I was lucky in the healing process,” she said. “I was lucky that when it happened, everything in the music world was already scheduled out and we had a few days off and I had the time to really just focus on getting better. But I was at a point where I didnt know how things were going to end up … I didnt know what was going to go on. “What most worsened the “American Idol” alum about her wrist injury was that it was difficult to stay active. “The most frustrating part was trying to work out with a broken wrist and how much it can throw your world off to have an appendage thats there but you just cant use,” she said. She also feared for her son Isaiah, 3 (with her husband, professional hockey player Mike Fisher), to get scared and cut his face. “Now hes sweet. For a while, I was worried he would be scared of me, but now when I put on makeup, its like, Mommy, your boo-boos gone,” she said. Now shes back in the studio recording her new album “Cry Pretty” and is excited to make music for her fans again. “It feels good,” she said. “I feel good every time, but its a good feeling.”

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text in Czech to English.

    Carrie Underwood opens up about a terrifying November accident that broke her wrist and caused her to receive more than 40 stitches. During her Thursday appearance on “The Bobby Bones Show” at iHeartRadio, the 35-year-old superstar said the accident, which occurred when she jumped on stairs outside her Nashville home, “brought her back” physically and emotionally. “I was taking the dogs out … I just stopped, and there was one step, and I didnt let go of the leashes. Priorities!” the singer shared her fall, which also caused her to break her right wrist. “So thats why my left hands fine, but I went to catch myself and I just missed a step. If I had fallen anywhere else, I would have been perfectly fine. Although her “memory” of her fall was “nerve-wracking,” fans of the singer noticed that she looks as amazing as ever. Chalk it up to the healing process. “I was lucky in the healing process,” she said. “I was lucky that when it happened, everything in the music world was already scheduled out and we had a few days off and I had the time to really just focus on getting better. But I was at a point where I didnt know how things were going to end up … I didnt know what was going to go on. “What most worsened the “American Idol” alum about her wrist injury was that it was difficult to stay active. “The most frustrating part was trying to work out with a broken wrist and how much it can throw your world off to have an appendage thats there but you just cant use,” she said. She also feared for her son Isaiah, 3 (with her husband, professional hockey player Mike Fisher), to get scared and cut his face. “Now hes sweet. For a while, I was worried he would be scared of me, but now when I put on makeup, its like, Mommy, your boo-boos gone,” she said. Now shes back in the studio recording her new album “Cry Pretty” and is excited to make music for her fans again. “It feels good,” she said. “I feel good every time, but its a good feeling.”

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