“Това е от нас” води до много объркване в Sterling K. Brown “SNL” промо

“Това е от нас” води до много объркване в Sterling K. Brown “SNL” промо

Почти всеки знае за хит драмата “Това е нас” на NBC – въпреки че членът на Бек Бенет може да се нуждае от катастрофа!

Звездата на “Това е нас” Стърлинг К. Браун е домакин на епизода тази седмица, а в нова промоция – с участието на Бенет и музикалния гост Джеймс Бей – комикът се шегува, че е объркан от заглавието “Това е нас”.

“Аз съм Sterling K. Brown и аз хоствам” SNL “с музикалния гост Джеймс Бей”, казва Браун в клипа.

– И това сме ние! Бенет влезе.

“Не, това е” SNL “, казва актьорът.

– Добре, но това е ние – ти и аз, правиш нашето нещо – казва Бенет.

“Ние не искаме да го объркваме”, казва Браун.

“О, разбира се, ние сме това, ние сме и аз съм” SNL “,” Бенет се шегува.

Мило Ventimiglia говори за смъртта на Джак в сезонния финал “This Is Us”


Във втората промоция Бенет обърква Браун с Arie Luyendyk Jr., спорната звезда на “The Bachelor”. Третата промоция показва, че Бенет прави пиеси за победителите на Еми.

Браун сподели клипа на Twitter и разкъса първата си шега.

“Това е, ние се опитваме да ви кажа, че TOMORROW нощ аз съм хостинг @ nbcsnl с музикален гост @ JamesBayMusic!” той написа.

Не мога да чакам!

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text in English:

    Almost everyone knows about the hit drama “This Is Us” on NBC – even though the member of Beck Bennett may need a disaster! “This Is Us” star Sterling K. Brown is hosting the episode this week, and in a new promotion – featuring Bennett and musical guest James Bay – the comedian jokes that he is confused by the title “This Is Us”. “Im Sterling K. Brown and Im hosting” SNL “with musical guest James Bay,” Brown says in the clip. “And this is us!” Bennett enters. “No, this is” SNL “, “the actor says. “Well, but this is us – you and me, doing our thing,” Bennett says. “We dont want to confuse it,” Brown says. “Oh, of course, we are that, we are and Im” SNL “,” Bennett jokes. In the second promotion, Bennett confuses Brown with Arie Luyendyk Jr., the controversial star of “The Bachelor”. The third promotion shows Bennett making speeches for Emmy winners. Brown shared the clip on Twitter and tore his first joke apart. “This is, were trying to tell you that TOMORROW night Im hosting @ nbcsnl with musical guest @ JamesBayMusic! #SKBSNL,” he wrote. Cant wait!

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text in English:

    Almost everyone knows about the hit drama “This Is Us” on NBC – even though the member of Beck Bennett may need a disaster! “This Is Us” star Sterling K. Brown is hosting the episode this week, and in a new promotion – featuring Bennett and musical guest James Bay – the comedian jokes that he is confused by the title “This Is Us”. “Im Sterling K. Brown and Im hosting” SNL “with musical guest James Bay,” Brown says in the clip. “And this is us!” Bennett enters. “No, this is” SNL “, “the actor says. “Well, but this is us – you and me, doing our thing,” Bennett says. “We dont want to confuse it,” Brown says. “Oh, of course, we are that, we are and Im” SNL “,” Bennett jokes. In the second promotion, Bennett confuses Brown with Arie Luyendyk Jr., the controversial star of “The Bachelor”. The third promotion shows Bennett making speeches for Emmy winners. Brown shared the clip on Twitter and tore his first joke apart. “This is, were trying to tell you that TOMORROW night Im hosting @ nbcsnl with musical guest @ JamesBayMusic! #SKBSNL,” he wrote. Cant wait!

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