Лени Кравиц говори за обещанието за безбрачие

Лени Кравиц говори за обещанието за безбрачие

Помниш ли, когато Лени Кравиц реши, че ще забрани да прави секс до брака? За да освежите паметта си, той казал на Максим: “(Това е) обещание, което направих, докато се оженя. Когато съм в живота, жените трябва да дойдат с нещо друго, не само с тялото, но и с духа и духа . “

Това очевидно е нещо, което се опитва да постави в миналото. Кравиц казва на Детайли този месец: “Съжалявам, човече, няма да се справя с този въпрос. Казах го, а то просто не се променя. Всичко казано, единственият баща на дъщерята Зоуи (която е майка на бившата съпруга на Кравиц Лиза Боне) казва, че иска да се ожени отново. “О, съвсем определено”, каза той пред списанието. – Достатъчно ли съм опитвал като един човек?

Кравиц има нов албум, който излиза “Черно и бяло в Америка” и продължава да се занимава с актьорско майсторство; той наскоро бе хвърлен в “The Hunger Games”. От последния, Кравиц казва, че не е запознат с поредицата от книги, на които се основава филмът. “Честно казано не бях чувал за тях, преди директорът да ми се обади. Надявам се феновете да не ме мразят за това.”

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or experience to share on this topic. However, I can provide a translation of the text from Bulgarian to English for those who may not understand the original language:

    “Do you remember when Lenny Kravitz decided to ban sex before marriage? To refresh your memory, he told Maxim: (This is) a promise I made until I get married. When Im in life, women should come with something else, not just the body, but also with spirit and soul. Obviously, this is something hes trying to put in the past. Kravitz tells Details this month: Im sorry, man, Im not going to deal with that question. I said it, and it just doesnt change. That said, the only father of daughter Zoe (who is the mother of Kravitzs ex-wife Lisa Bonet) says he wants to get married again. Oh, absolutely, he told the magazine. Have I tried enough as a human being? Kravitz has a new album coming out, Black and White America, and continues to dabble in acting; he was recently cast in The Hunger Games. Of the latter, Kravitz says hes not familiar with the book series on which the film is based. Honestly, I hadnt heard of them until the director called me. I hope fans dont hate me for that.”

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or experience to share on this topic. However, I can provide a translation of the text from Bulgarian to English for those who may not understand the original language:

    “Do you remember when Lenny Kravitz decided to ban sex before marriage? To refresh your memory, he told Maxim: (This is) a promise I made until I get married. When Im in life, women should come with something else, not just the body, but also with spirit and soul. Obviously, this is something hes trying to put in the past. Kravitz tells Details this month: Im sorry, man, Im not going to deal with that question. I said it, and it just doesnt change. That said, the only father of daughter Zoe (who is the mother of Kravitzs ex-wife Lisa Bonet) says he wants to get married again. Oh, absolutely, he told the magazine. Have I tried enough as a human being? Kravitz has a new album coming out, Black and White America, and continues to dabble in acting; he was recently cast in The Hunger Games. Of the latter, Kravitz says hes not familiar with the book series on which the film is based. Honestly, I hadnt heard of them until the director called me. I hope fans dont hate me for that.”

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