Джъстин Тимбърлейк е начело на 2023 Супер Боул половин шоу

Джъстин Тимбърлейк е начело на 2023 Супер Боул половин шоу

Джъстин Тимбърлейк е начело на шоуто на Супер Боул за следващия февруари и той е изпомпан. Така е и неговият добър приятел, Джими Фалон.

NFL съобщи новината в неделя вечер и докато прессъобщението е забавно четене (ОК, може би това е повече от един прост четат), това е този видеоклип, който наистина грабва вашето внимание.

Веднъж, когато реалността на концерта на Super Bowl на JT потъва, той и Фалон се качват нагоре и надолу, показвайки ни отново, че имат най-добрата бронза в шоубизнеса.

Ето и важните подробности, които трябва да знаете: Timberlake ще оглави поредното шоу на Super Bowl LII по половин час в щатския банков стадион в Минесота в неделя, 4 февруари 2023 г. NBC ще излъчи живо (и разбира се играта).

JT is coming back to the Super Bowl, so just dance, dance, dance ....
JT се завръща в Super Bowl, така че просто танцувайте, танцувайте, танцувайте ….NFL

Това ще отбележи трети път, когато Timberlake е участвал в поредното шоу на Супер Боул, най-много от всеки отделен артист. 36-годишната суперзвезда по-рано е била на етап Super Bowl през 2001 г. (като член на NSYNC), а през 2004 г. заедно с Джанет Джаксън. Последният външен вид е запомнящ се, защото … добре сме сигурни, че все още си спомняте термина “гардеробна неизправност”.

Не можем да чакаме да видим какво е имало в магазина на “Тимбърлейк” за Суперкупата този път. Може би е време той и Фалон да се сблъскат с голямата игра ….

Едно нещо е сигурно: Джъстин има труден акт да последва след зашеметяващото шоу на Лейди Гага в Super Bowl по-рано тази година.

Следвайте Shane Lou на Twitter.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text in Bulgarian:

    Justin Timberlake is set to headline the Super Bowl show next February, and he is pumped. So is his good friend, Jimmy Fallon. NFL announced the news on Sunday evening, and while the press release is a fun read (OK, maybe thats more than one simple read), its this video clip that really grabs your attention. Once the reality of JTs Super Bowl concert sinks in, he and Fallon go up and down, showing us again that they have the best bromance in showbiz. Here are the important details you need to know: Timberlake will headline the Super Bowl LII show for half an hour at the US Bank Stadium in Minnesota on Sunday, February 4, 2018. NBC will broadcast live (and of course the game). JT returns to the Super Bowl, so just dance, dance, dance… This will mark the third time Timberlake has participated in the Super Bowl show, the most of any individual artist. The 36-year-old superstar was previously on stage at the Super Bowl in 2001 (as a member of NSYNC) and in 2004 with Janet Jackson. The latter appearance is memorable because… well, were pretty sure you still remember the term “wardrobe malfunction.” We cant wait to see what Timberlake has in store for the Super Bowl this time around. Maybe its time he and Fallon faced off in the big game… One thing is for sure: Justin has a tough act to follow after Lady Gagas stunning show at the Super Bowl earlier this year. Follow Shane Lou on Twitter.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text in English:

    Justin Timberlake is set to headline the Super Bowl halftime show next February, and he is pumped. So is his good friend, Jimmy Fallon. The NFL announced the news on Sunday evening, and while the press release is a fun read (OK, maybe thats more than one simple read), its this video clip that really grabs your attention. Once the reality of JTs Super Bowl concert sinks in, he and Fallon go up and down, showing us once again that they have the best bromance in showbiz. Here are the important details you need to know: Timberlake will headline the Super Bowl LII halftime show for a half-hour at U.S. Bank Stadium in Minnesota on Sunday, Feb. 4, 2018. NBC will broadcast it live (and, of course, the game). JT is returning to the Super Bowl, so just dance, dance, dance…. This will mark the third time Timberlake has performed at the Super Bowl halftime show, the most of any individual artist. The 36-year-old superstar previously took the stage at the Super Bowl in 2001 (as a member of NSYNC) and in 2004 with Janet Jackson. The latter appearance is memorable because…well, were pretty sure you still remember the term “wardrobe malfunction.” We cant wait to see what Timberlake has in store for the Super Bowl this time around. Maybe its time he and Fallon take on the big game…. One things for sure: Justin has a tough act to follow after Lady Gagas stunning Super Bowl show earlier this year. Follow Shane Lou on Twitter.

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