

在美国联邦调查局逮捕了一名涉嫌最近加冕的Miss Teen USA Cassidy Wolf的“sextortion”案件中的嫌疑人之后,加利福尼亚州的青少年承认有“复杂情绪”的缓解和怜悯. 


Jared James Abrahams,19岁,曾是加利福尼亚州特曼库拉Great Oak高中Wolf的同学,在据称使用软件控制Wolf和其他七名女性的电脑网络摄像头拍摄裸照或录像后,一直被指控敲诈勒索。据称,他通过电子邮件威胁受害者,如果他们不接受他的要求,他将在网上发布这些照片.

“我很放心,”沃尔夫说。 “我很高兴能够找到这个人是谁,但另一方面,我和高中一起去了。他年轻,我的年龄,我只是觉得他选择这样做很伤心,现在已经把自己置于这个大难的境地。情绪好坏参半。“

贾里德 James Abrahams, 19, has been arrested and charged by the FBI for for allegedly using malicious software to control the computer webcam of Miss Teen USA Cassidy Wolf, his former high school classmate, and other victims to take nude photographs or videos, and then allegedly sending emails to them threatening to publish the photos. He is currently on house arrest after being released on $50,000 bail.
19岁的贾里德·詹姆斯·亚伯拉罕因涉嫌使用恶意软件控制美国小姐卡西迪·沃尔夫,他的前高中同学以及其他受害者拍摄裸照或视频的计算机网络摄像头而被FBI逮捕并指控向他们发送电子邮件,威胁要在线发布照片或视频。在获得5万美元保释金后,他目前被软禁. 今天


“我认为他不会意识到后果和他受伤的人,”她说。 “他长期以来一直对我和许多女孩进行恐吓,我只是认为现在这对我来说也是现实生活,这个人对我这样做了。”


“我从来没有与他进行任何互动,”她说。 “我去了一所非常大的高中。我知道他,我知道他的名字,但我从未跟他说过话。我在走廊里看见他。“



“不仅有一名受害者,”联邦调查局特工Bill Lewis星期五告诉他们。 “加利福尼亚州,整个美国,甚至国际上都有多名受害者。有些人年仅16岁。“









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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the article in English:

    After the arrest of a suspect in the “sextortion” case involving Miss Teen USA Cassidy Wolf by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), teenagers in California have admitted to feeling a sense of relief and compassion for the suspects “complex emotions.” “For me, being able to confront the person who did this to me and knowing it was someone I went to high school with is weird,” Wolf told Savannah Guthrie as part of the Rosen Report on Friday. Jared James Abrahams, 19, a former classmate of Wolf at Great Oak High School in Temecula, California, has been charged with extortion after allegedly using software to control the computer webcams of Wolf and seven other women to take nude photos or videos. He reportedly threatened the victims via email that he would post these photos online if they did not comply with his demands. “Im relieved,” Wolf said. “Im glad that we found out who this person was, but on the other hand, I went to high school with him. Hes young, my age, and I just feel sad that he chose to do this and now hes put himself in this big mess. Its a mixed bag of emotions.” Abrahams was arrested by the FBI for allegedly using malicious software to control the computer webcams of Miss USA Cassidy Wolf, his former high school classmate, and other victims to take nude photos or videos and then sending them threatening emails to post the photos or videos online. He is currently under house arrest after posting a $50,000 bail. Despite the allegations, the 19-year-old Wolf said she feels sorry for the suspect. “I dont think he realized the consequences and the people he hurt,” she said. “Hes been threatening me and many girls for a long time, and I just think now its real life for me that this person did this to me.” When they were in high school together, Wolf did not know Abrahams. “I never interacted with him,” she said. “I went to a very big high school. I knew him, I knew his name, but I never talked to him. I saw him in the hallway.” Wolf told Today national investigative reporter Jeff Rosen that the light on her webcam never came on when the suspect hacked into it to change her illegal photos in

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