


它始于德国大型时装公司Navabi,该公司打印出“你看起来很棒!”的卡片。分发给人们。 Bethany Rutter是一位时尚博主,也曾在伦敦的Navabi工作,他首先通过社交媒体了解到了胖子。一群称自己为“Overweight Haters Ltd.”的团体他正在火车上向陌生人分发卡片,其中包括“你是一个胖子,丑陋的人”。




“只有几个人问起它是什么,他们对超重的仇恨者感到震惊,并且真正接受了我更积极的想法,”她说。 “但是大多数人只是带着他们说谢谢你脸上带着愉快,困惑的表情。”




“我真的很高兴我并不是唯一一个这样做的人,更多的人正在制作积极的牌,”她说。 “伦敦被认为是一个如此困难,充满敌意的城市,但居住在这里的人很多,都是快乐,积极的人。而这在某种程度上打破了伦敦人之间的关系。”






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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses how some people responded positively to the cruel and humiliating cards distributed by a group called “Overweight Haters Ltd.” on the London Underground by creating their own positive cards. This movement began with a fashion company called Navabi printing cards that read “You look great!” and distributing them to people. Bethany Rutter, a fashion blogger who previously worked at Navabi, was the first to hear about the overweight haters and started a campaign to spread positivity through her own cards. The response has been generally positive, and more people are creating their own cards with different messages. The article also mentions that the police are investigating the distribution of the shameful cards.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses how some people responded positively to the cruel and humiliating cards distributed by a group called “Overweight Haters Ltd.” on the London Underground by creating their own positive cards. This movement began with a German fashion company called Navabi, which printed cards with the message “You look great!” and distributed them to people. Bethany Rutter, a fashion blogger who previously worked at Navabi, was the first to learn about the overweight haters group through social media. She hoped to spread positive messages in response and her company was willing to pay for the printing costs. The article also mentions that the police are investigating the distribution of the shameful cards.

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