



“令人惊讶的是,这与我一年中的每一个时间完全一样,”雷诺兹告诉TODAY.com。 “它最终会成为一种事后的想法,令人震惊的是,这一次从未如此疯狂。尽管我确信应该有巨型花车和烟火,也许还有一个变戏法者,不,这在我生日那天很正常。“

她的父母Thora和Kelly Reynolds在20世纪60年代参与了反文化,并在感恩节出生时选择了她非正统的名字。她注意到她因为在出生当天也下雪而错过了被称为雪的故事.

“是的,我们是嬉皮士,”雷诺兹告诉TODAY.com。 “我们制作了自己的豆腐,我们自己的山羊奶酪,我们自己的酸菜。我的父母创办了一个合作社。他们进入了它。“


“我们已经被排斥了,因为我们是一个小镇上的嬉皮士,所以再过一层推理就像是,’你的人很奇怪,’”她说。 “坦率地说,我认为人们就像是,’伙计,那里有太多我们可以取笑的东西,没有意义。取笑“快乐”几乎是残酷的。



“我从事家庭医学工作,并与很多孩子打交道,所以我认为这几乎让人们感到轻松,我对自己来自哪里感到非常自在,”她说。 “我认为患者就像,’你的名字是感恩节快乐,所以无论我在办公室访问中告诉你什么,对你来说都不会那么疯狂。’



“当我出示身份证时,我得到的最重要的事情是,’你的生日是什么时候?’”她说。 “我只是喜欢,’这是在名字中,但是whatevs。”’




“我的父母在他出生的那个阶段已经过了这个阶段,”她笑着说。 “你会怎样做?” 

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    On Thursday, a womans family in Minnesota wished her a happy birthday and a happy Thanksgiving. That woman is Dr. Reynolds, who will be celebrating her 43rd birthday on Thanksgiving, which has inspired her colorful name. “Surprisingly, its exactly the same as every other time of the year for me,” Reynolds told TODAY.com. “It will eventually become an afterthought, and its shocking that its never been this crazy before. Although Im sure there should be giant floats and fireworks, maybe even a magician, no, thats normal on my birthday.”

    Her parents, Thora and Kelly Reynolds, were involved in the counterculture of the 1960s and chose her non-traditional name when she was born on Thanksgiving. She noticed that she missed out on being called Snow because it also snowed on the day she was born. “Yes, we were hippies,” Reynolds told TODAY.com. “We made our own tofu, our own goat cheese, our own sauerkraut. My parents started a co-op. They got into it.”

    Reynolds attended 13 different schools during her childhood in Minnesota and California and got used to peoples reactions to her name. “We were ostracized because we were hippies in a small town, so then its like, Your people are weird,” she said. “Honestly, I think people are like, Dude, theres too much we can make fun of there, it doesnt make sense. Making fun of “Happy” is almost cruel. We were very transient. It was the 70s, so everyone had a different attitude. A lot of times we moved with other families, so it was like this weird freak team, and when they heard my name, people were like, What?”

    Today, Reynolds works as a doctor in Minneapolis. She said her name hasnt caused any professional issues. If anything, its been helpful. “I work in family medicine and deal with a lot of kids, so I think it almost makes people feel at ease, and Im very comfortable with where I come from,” she said. “I think patients are like, Your name is Happy Thanksgiving, so whatever I tell you in the office visit isnt going to be that crazy for

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