D.C.狙击手Lee Boyd Malvo:我的同谋对我进行了性虐待

D.C.狙击手Lee Boyd Malvo:我的同谋对我进行了性虐待

今天是Ian Sager和Scott Stump 

在与TODAY的Matt Lauer进行的独家电视采访中,D.C。狙击手Lee Boyd Malvo声称他受到John Allen Muhammad的性虐待,他是2002年恐吓该国首都的狙击手袭击的幕后策划者。.

“在我差不多15岁的整个时期,直到我被捕,我被John Muhammad性虐待,”Malvo说.


约翰 Allen Muhammad, here arriving in court in 2002, was put to death by lethal injection in 2009.




执法官员没有对据称身份不明的受害者发表评论。没有证据证明发生了其他罪行。根据前联邦调查局局长Clint Van Zandt的说法,考虑到他当时的年龄和他与穆罕默德的关系,马尔沃对事件的记忆可能不可靠。. 




“我会与他们分享我自己用过的东西,”他说。 “请不要让我的行为和穆罕默德的行为挟持你作为人质并继续伤害你的余生。如果你给那些权力的图像和想法,它将继续一次又一次地反复造成痛苦。不要给我或他那么大的力量。“


“我基本上只是泄露了一切,”马尔沃说道。 “我看到他是一位出色的倾听者。所以,这样做,没有矛盾心理,没有任何回头,我给他提供了一个蓝图。他确切地知道是什么激励了我,我在寻找什么,缺乏什么。“

Malvo (pictured above) tells Matt Lauer there are more victims than the ones he and sniper mastermind John Allen Muhammad had previously admitted to.
Malvo(如上图)告诉Matt Lauer,他和狙击手策划者John Allen Muhammad之前承认的受害者比他们更多.Susan Walsh / AP档案/今天


“我不能拒绝,”马尔沃说。 “我一生都想要那种程度的爱,接受和一致性,而且找不到它。即使在无意识中,甚至在短暂反思的时刻,我都知道这是错的,我没有意志力说不。“

海军陆战队老将穆罕默德在安提瓜遇到了马尔沃,训练他杀了几个月,将野蛮纪律与射击训练混合在一起。在他们见面后不到两年,在他17岁之前两天 生日那天,马尔沃走到华盛顿州塔科马一所房子的前门,拍摄了21岁的肯尼亚库克,以证明他的承诺. 






“我非常怀疑,就我的生活而言,这将改变任何事情,”他说。 “我已经开始意识到我所期待的是生命在监狱里. 


Dean Meyers的兄弟Bob Meyers在弗吉尼亚州的一家加油站遇害,他们在本月早些时候与NBC首席大法官记者Pete Williams进行了交谈。.

“我们认识到他在约翰·穆罕默德的控制之下,他可能是一个好词,会被洗脑,从那时起他就像我们所理解的那样得到了一些指导,一些帮助,并且已经有几年的时间去认识他是的,”迈耶斯说。 “我们的理解是,如果有机会,他不会选择再次采取同样的做法,但他不能改变这种做法。”

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    Today, in an exclusive television interview with Matt Lauer on TODAY, D.C. sniper Lee Boyd Malvo claimed that he was sexually abused by John Allen Muhammad, the mastermind behind the sniper attacks that terrorized the nations capital in 2002. “I was sexually abused by John Muhammad from about the age of 15 until I was arrested,” Malvo said. “I felt ashamed, and I just said, This is something Ive never told anyone. To some extent, until then, I really couldnt deal with it.” John Allen Muhammad arrived in court in 2002 and was put to death by lethal injection in 2009. It has been ten years since Malvo and Muhammad went on a shooting spree, killing 10 people and injuring three. Malvo, who is serving life in prison in southwest Virginia, said he needed years to come to terms with the abuse. “The main reason Im coming forward now is because Im more mature. As for the guilt that I took away for years, I was dealing with that for a long time. And now, I can deal with it. Theres no treatment here. Rehabilitation is just a word. In solitary confinement, in your own cell, Im the pastor, the doctor, the therapist. So, it just took me one thing at a time to take it away. I can deal with it.” Malvo also told Lauer that his shooting spree victims have not all been identified. Law enforcement officials declined to comment on the alleged unidentified victims. There is no evidence that other crimes occurred. According to former FBI director Clint Van Zandt, given his age at the time and his relationship with Muhammad, Malvos memory of the events may be unreliable. Malvo told Lauer he has forgiven the murders. “Thats the only way I can live with myself,” he said. Malvo told TODAYs producers that this will be his last interview about his crimes and also spoke about the victims families. “I will share with them what Ive used myself,” he said. “Dont let my actions and Muhammads actions hold you hostage and continue to hurt you for the rest of your life. If you give those images and thoughts power, it will continue to cause pain over and over again. Dont give me or

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