Amanda Knox的前Raffaele Sollecito:她认为我是英雄

Amanda Knox的前Raffaele Sollecito:她认为我是英雄


“我是无辜的,我们得到了我们无罪的证据,所以我们将毫无顾虑地战斗到最后,”Raffaele Sollecito说道,他是新书“荣耀之地:我与Amanda Knox一起回到地狱之旅”的作者。

‘Honor Bound’:Raffaele Sollecito写道他与阿曼达诺克斯的折磨

早在2007年,当这对夫妇因谋杀英国大学生Kercher而被调查时,Sollecito在意大利与Knox约会仅一周。意大利检察官指控Sollecito和Knox杀死了Kercher的性侵犯行为。被指控的还有象牙海岸当地人Rudy Guede,他被判犯有Kercher的性侵犯和谋杀罪.



“不,”他回答说。 “这在我看来是一个非常遥远的想法。我已经知道我是无辜的,我们已经证明了这一点。所以对我来说,这是胡说八道。“

“对你的故事感到震惊的是,当所有这一切都发生时,你知道阿曼达诺克斯只有七天,”格思里继续道。 “并且你有很大的压力要牵连她,指责她,而你却没有。”



“(阿曼达)告诉我,她认为我是一个英雄,但我不这么认为,”索莱西托告诉格思里。 “我不需要任何感激……我这样做是因为我知道这是事实。这是件好事。这对我来说是唯一的方式。“


Amanda Knox对Kercher的家人说:“我希望他们读我的书”


“我对上帝有信心,”他说。 “意大利司法系统就像,你不知道会发生什么。”




美国学生阿曼达·诺克斯(Amanda Knox)的长期法律传闻,被指控她的室友暴力死亡,英国学生梅雷迪思·科尔彻(Meredith Kercher)自2007年底在意大利佩鲁贾开始以来,成为世界各地的头条新闻。.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses an exclusive interview with Amanda Knoxs ex-boyfriend, Raffaele Sollecito, who explains why he never gave up on Knox and expresses his confidence in their innocence. The article also mentions their four-year imprisonment and subsequent acquittal, as well as the recent decision by the Italian Supreme Court to order a new trial. Sollecito maintains his belief in Knoxs innocence and their friendship, while also discussing his plans to return to Italy and his lack of faith in the Italian justice system. Overall, the article provides insight into the ongoing legal saga surrounding Knox and her former boyfriend.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses an exclusive interview with Amanda Knoxs ex-boyfriend, Raffaele Sollecito, who explains why he never gave up on Knox and expresses his confidence in their innocence. The article also mentions their four-year imprisonment and subsequent acquittal, as well as the recent decision by the Italian Supreme Court to order a new trial. Sollecito maintains his belief in Knoxs innocence and their friendship, while also discussing his plans to return to Italy and his lack of faith in the Italian justice system. Overall, the article provides insight into the ongoing legal saga surrounding Knox and her former boyfriend.

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