




由于Renesmee经历了一次超级吸血鬼的生长突增,她从一开始就看起来与大多数婴儿有点不同 – 扮演她的婴儿玩偶被愚蠢的假发所限制. 


“我不批评,”她很快告诉莱诺,忠实地为她的电影辩护。 “我肯定会看起来很棒。”




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About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the anticipation of Twilight fans for the portrayal of Edward and Bellas half-vampire, half-human daughter, Renesmee, in the upcoming movie “Breaking Dawn Part 2”. The role is played by 11-year-old actress Mackenzie Foy, who was described as the “coolest girl” by Kristen Stewart, who plays Bella. However, the character of a young Renesmee is portrayed by a doll, which Stewart jokingly referred to as a “little Chucky doll”. Fans will have to wait until the fall to see how the movie producers will make Renesmee believable.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the anticipation of Twilight fans for the portrayal of Edward and Bellas half-vampire, half-human daughter, Renesmee, in the upcoming movie “Breaking Dawn Part 2”. The role is played by 11-year-old actress Mackenzie Foy, who was described as the “coolest girl” by Kristen Stewart, who plays Bella. However, the character of a young Renesmee is portrayed by a doll, which Stewart jokingly referred to as a “little Chucky doll”. Fans will have to wait until the fall to see how the movie producers will make Renesmee believable.

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