Cinco de Mayo玛格丽塔酒,价格低于20美元的四款最佳龙舌兰酒

Cinco de Mayo玛格丽塔酒,价格低于20美元的四款最佳龙舌兰酒

随着空气中的弹簧,抓住一袋酸橙,一点三秒和一瓶龙舌兰酒的冲动很难抵抗。但是最近石灰的价格暴涨,糖醋混合物也不行。 Cheapism.com决定通过寻找最好的廉价龙舌兰来抵消主要玛格丽塔组件的高成本.

看着 for a good tequila for that margarita? Several inexpensive options are available.

我们在开始之前制定了两个标准。虽然价格因商店而异,但我们将750毫升瓶装的限价设定为20美元。并且含有100%蓝色龙舌兰的成分列表是必须的。 (Mixto龙舌兰酒必须含有51%的蓝色龙舌兰,通常会与糖,色素和调味品产生差异,导致令人讨厌的宿醉。)我们向Tanya Robinson致敬,他是一位葡萄酒和烈酒顾问,同时也是销售人员。在纽约市的Astor Wines&Spirits担任助理.

我们的清单包括Blanco或Silver表达龙舌兰酒,表明精神清晰且未老化。通常这些比其他表达更便宜,因为它们的味道简单,恰好适合混合。下面提到的许多酿酒厂也提供Repasado tequilas,它们已经陈化了两个月到一年,而且花费了几美元。 Anejo tequilas在木桶中陈酿一至三年,可能很难找到低于20美元的最高价,但这个过程可以带来更好的啜饮体验。 (老化根据桶中的木材类型改变风味。)如果你坚持使用最好的廉价布兰科或银色表达式龙舌兰酒,尝试购买其中一种并进行盲品尝试以找到最喜欢的人群.  



Dos Manos Blanco(13至15美元): Dos Manos Blanco可能并不出众,但考虑到三重蒸馏并采用100%蓝色龙舌兰制成,它的价格非常便宜。这种龙舌兰酒相对平稳,是最好的预算选择之一.

Pueblo Viejo Blanco($ 18- $ 20): 我们的名单中的一个选项包括一点额外的打击是Pueblo Viejo Blanco,一种来自哈利斯科州高地的100级龙舌兰酒。这是玛格丽塔酒和其他鸡尾酒的不错选择,但请注意 – 额外的酒精可以滋生在你身上.  

El Jimador Blanco(15至22美元): GQ杂志称El Jimador Blanco是混合的完美选择。这是一种庄园种植的瓶装龙舌兰酒,在墨西哥是畅销产品,虽然不是整洁饮品的最佳选择。罗宾逊推荐El Jimador Blanco为喜欢用墨西哥胡椒,水果或其他口味注入龙舌兰酒的消费者.

Espolon Silver($ 18- $ 25): 这款屡获殊荣的龙舌兰酒正在迅速成为以龙舌兰酒为主的混合饮料的主食。它价格实惠,包装精美,香气浓郁。 BevMo.com的两条评论说拍摄时不需要追逐者。它简单而流畅,足以让许多消费者享受直接饮品 – 这种价格适中的龙舌兰酒很少见.






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    With the spring in the air, its hard to resist the urge to grab a bag of limes, a splash of tequila, and make a margarita. But with the recent surge in lime prices and the inadequacy of sugar-vinegar mixtures, has decided to offset the high cost of the main margarita components by finding the best cheap tequila. Looking for a good tequila for margaritas? There are several cheap options. Today we set two standards before we start. Although prices vary by store, we set a limit of $20 for a 750ml bottle. And a list of ingredients containing 100% blue agave is required. (Mixto tequila must contain 51% blue agave and usually differs from sugar, coloring, and flavorings, leading to annoying hangovers.) We pay tribute to Tanya Robinson, a wine and spirits consultant and salesperson who serves as an assistant at Astor Wines & Spirits in New York City. Our list includes Blanco or Silver expression tequilas, indicating a clear spirit that is not aged. These are usually cheaper than other expressions because their taste is simple and perfect for mixing. Many of the breweries mentioned below also offer Repasado tequilas, which have been aged for two months to a year and cost a few dollars. Anejo tequilas are aged in barrels for one to three years and may be difficult to find at the highest price below $20, but the process can bring a better sipping experience. (Aging changes the flavor depending on the type of wood in the barrel.) If you insist on using the best cheap Blanco or Silver expression tequila, try buying one and doing a blind taste test to find your favorite. Four tequilas for less than $20 Whether you like salt or dont like salt, or like tequila sunrise to margaritas, these four tequilas are great mixing partners. Dos Manos Blanco ($13-$15): Dos Manos Blanco may not be outstanding, but considering it is triple distilled and made from 100% blue agave, its price is very cheap. This tequila is relatively stable and is one of the best budget choices. Pueblo Viejo Blanco ($18-$20): One of the options on our

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