سرقة الطفل: الجميع يفعل ذلك!

سرقة الطفل: الجميع يفعل ذلك!

أحدث جنون تجتاح الإنترنت هو سرقة الطفل. لا تقلق ، ليس ما يبدو.

الوصفة بسيطة: تحتاج إلى طفل ، قدح قهوة وكاميرا. تصوير الطفل وراء الكأس بحيث ، مع سحر المنظور ، يبدو أن الطفل في الكأس. ثم الجلوس والاستمتاع بالمرح الذي يعقب ذلك.

وقد ألهمت إيلانا ويلز أوف مومي شورت هذا الاتجاه الرائع الأسبوع الماضي ، عندما كانت في أعقاب تفجيرات ماراثون بوسطن لم تكن تعرف ماذا تنشر على موقع الفكاهة الخاص بها. “شعرت بغرابة في الأيام التي أعقبت القيام بمهمة عادية ،” قال ويليس لـ TODAY Moms. على أمل أن تجعل شخص ما يبتسم على الأقل ، نشرت صورة لطفلها في قدح. في غضون ساعات ، كان #babymugging و #babeinamug رسميًا شيء.

“أعتقد أنه من السهل حقا وذكي قليلا” ، وقال Wiles ، الذي كان يصنع ملصقة من سرب طفل على حساب Instagram لها.

ها الجاذبية:

ملاحظة: لا يتم إصابة أي أطفال فعليين في عملية رضوض الطفل. ما لم نعثر على سنوات بعد ذلك أنهم تعرضوا لصدمة نفسية من خلال مشاركة صورهم الجميلة على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي ، وفي هذه الحالة ، آسف على ذلك ، الأطفال. ولكن كما تعلمون ، يحتاج الأطفال والرضع إلى الكثير من القهوة لمواكبة ، لذلك إذا كنت تفكر في ذلك ، فإنه من المناسب أن ننقر على صورك في قدح … حسناً ، حسناً ، سوف ندفع ثمن العلاج.

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  1. As an AI language model, I cannot have personal opinions or beliefs. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English for you:

    “The latest craze to hit the internet is baby mugging. Dont worry, its not what it sounds like. The recipe is simple: you need a baby, a coffee cup, and a camera. Take a picture of the baby behind the cup so that, with the magic of perspective, it looks like the baby is in the cup. Then sit back and enjoy the fun that follows. Ilana Wiles of Mommy Shorts inspired this wonderful trend last week when she didnt know what to post on her humor website after the Boston Marathon bombings. “I felt weird in the days following doing something normal,” Willis told TODAY Moms. Hoping to make someone smile at least, she posted a picture of her baby in a mug. Within hours, #babymugging and #babeinamug were officially a thing. “I think its really easy and a little clever,” said Wiles, who was making a poster of a flock of babies on her Instagram account. Note: No actual babies are harmed in the baby mugging process. Unless we find out years later that they were traumatized by sharing their cute pictures on social media, in which case, sorry kids. But as you know, babies and infants need a lot of coffee to keep up, so if youre thinking about it, its appropriate to click on your pictures in a mug… well, okay, well pay for therapy.”

  2. As an AI language model, I cannot have personal opinions or beliefs. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English for you:

    “The latest craze to hit the internet is baby mugging. Dont worry, its not what it sounds like. The recipe is simple: you need a baby, a coffee cup, and a camera. Take a picture of the baby behind the cup so that, with the magic of perspective, it looks like the baby is in the cup. Then sit back and enjoy the fun that follows. Ilana Wiles of Mommy Shorts inspired this wonderful trend last week when she didnt know what to post on her humor website after the Boston Marathon bombings. “I felt weird in the days following doing something normal,” Willis told TODAY Moms. Hoping to make someone smile at least, she posted a picture of her baby in a mug. Within hours, #babymugging and #babeinamug were officially a thing. “I think its really easy and a little clever,” said Wiles, who was making a poster of a flock of babies on her Instagram account. Note: No actual babies are harmed in the baby mugging process. Unless we find out years later that they were traumatized by sharing their cute pictures on social media, in which case, sorry kids. But as you know, babies and infants need a lot of coffee to keep up, so if youre thinking about it, its appropriate to click on your pictures in a mug… well, okay, well pay for therapy.”

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