تود كاترين زيتا جونز أن يتزوج زوجها كيرك دوغلاس بعيد ميلاده 101

تود كاترين زيتا جونز أن يتزوج زوجها كيرك دوغلاس بعيد ميلاده 101

ومهما كانت صفقة كيرك دوغلاس التي وقعت مع الكون ، فنحن نرغب في ذلك ، من فضلك!

احتفل الممثل والمنتج والمخرج والمؤلف بعيد ميلاده المائة بعد المائة يوم السبت – وهو حدث رائع في حياة رائعة. كان من بين رعايته زوجة كاثرين زيتا جونز ، التي أخذت ل Instagram لتبادل صورة حلوة لهم معا.


“101 اليوم !!!! حبيبي بابي على ركبتي ،” زيتا جونز ، 48 ، علق الصورة. “عيد ميلاد سعيد لأبى الرائع والملهم والمحبة في كيرك. أحبك من كل قلبي.”

أضافت زيتا جونز الوسمة #hero ، ولم تترك شكوك حول ما يعنيه لها والد زوجها.

37 AFI Life Achievement Award On TV Land Prime - Backstage And Audience
كيرك دوغلاس وكاترين زيتا جونز في جائزة AFI لإنجاز العمر: تحية لحدث مايكل دوجلاس في عام 2009.فريزر هاريسون / غيتي إيميجز لأفي

نشر ابن دوغلاس (وزوج زيتا جونز) مايكل دوغلاس (73 عاما) رسالة عيد ميلاده على الفيسبوك ، مشيرا إلى والده بأنه “أسطورة حية”.

احتفل كيرك دوجلاس بـ 100 شخصية في العام الماضي مع ابنه مايكل وزيتا جونز. منذ أن تزوج دوجلاس وزيتا جونز الأصغر سناً قبل 17 عاماً ، يبدو أن عائلتهما الكبيرة قد أصبحت أكثر تقريبًا.

37 AFI Life Achievement Award On TV Land Prime - Arrivals
عائلة واحدة كبيرة سعيدة!كيفن وينتر / غيتي صور ل AFI

عيد ميلاد سعيد لأسطورة هوليوود المحبوبة – وبفضل هذه العائلة لمشاركتها دائما الحب!

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “Whatever the deal with Kirk Douglas signed with the universe, we want it, please! The actor, producer, director, and author celebrated his 100th birthday on Saturday – a wonderful event in a wonderful life. Among those who celebrated him was Catherine Zeta-Jones, who took to Instagram to share a sweet picture of them together. “101 today!!!! My darling Pappy on my knee. Happy Birthday to my wonderful, inspirational and loving father in law, Kirk. Love you with all my heart. ❤️#hero,” wrote Zeta-Jones, adding the hashtag #hero, leaving no doubt about what her father-in-law means to her. Douglas son (and Zeta-Jones husband) Michael Douglas (73) posted a birthday message to his father on Facebook, referring to him as a “living legend.” Kirk Douglas celebrated his 100th birthday last year with his son Michael and Zeta-Jones. Since Douglas married Zeta-Jones, who is 17 years his junior, their large family seems to have become even closer. One big happy family! Happy birthday to the beloved Hollywood legend – and thanks to this family for always sharing the love!”

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “Whatever the deal with Kirk Douglas signed with the universe, we want it, please! The actor, producer, director, and author celebrated his 100th birthday on Saturday – a wonderful event in a wonderful life. Among those who celebrated him was Catherine Zeta-Jones, who took to Instagram to share a sweet picture of them together. “101 today!!!! My darling Pappy on my knee. Happy Birthday to my wonderful, inspirational and loving father in law, Kirk. Love you with all my heart. ❤️#hero,” wrote Zeta-Jones, adding the hashtag #hero, leaving no doubt about what her father-in-law means to her. Douglas son (and Zeta-Jones husband) Michael Douglas (73) posted a birthday message to his father on Facebook, referring to him as a “living legend.” Kirk Douglas celebrated his 100th birthday last year with his son Michael and Zeta-Jones. Since Douglas and Zeta-Jones, who is 17 years his junior, got married, their large family seems to have become even closer. One big happy family! Happy birthday to the beloved Hollywood legend – and thanks to this family for always sharing the love!”

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