




“当我们开始建立这个品牌时,我们所做的就是我们回归了100年,并且真的想要了解女性何时开始在美国剃须,关于这种脱毛的消息是什么以及品牌如何与女性交谈?”该公司的联合创始人Georgina Gooley通过电话告诉TODAY Style。 “而我们发现的是,很多都是因为羞耻而让女性感到不舒服,因为她们拥有体毛,然后推出你的产品,这样你就可以销售更多的剃须刀。”

从一开始,该品牌一直专注于“女性第一” – 他们销售针对女性的剃须刀订阅,而没有争议性的“粉红色税”,这对女性产品收取更高的价格 – 并希望他们的活动图像能够反映出这种精神.

比莉's Project Body Hair Campaign
Billie鼓励女性用标签#projectbodyhair分享自己的图像,以进一步提高代表性.摄影:Billie on Unsplash





“我喜欢这些广告使用剃须刀描绘了可见头发的女性,”Iris Kol告诉TODAY,并在Instagram评论中指出她正在考虑转用这个品牌因为它们。“这让我很兴奋,我们生活在一个时间里甚至主要的广告活动都展示了女性身体处于美丽,自然的状态,并赋予我们改变外表的能力,如果这就是我们想要的。“

比莉's Project Body Hair Campaign
Instagram上的客户和评论者已经回应了广告系列图片,很多人注意到他们计划开始使用该品牌的剃须刀因为它.摄影:Billie on Unsplash

“这很重要,因为它展示了真实女性的样子 – 它有助于减轻女性看起来完美的压力,”该品牌的另一位新客户Emma D’Arcy表示赞同。“通过分享更多女性头发的照片,它有助于减少期望所有女性都符合社会规范。“

比利的模特并不是最近唯一自然而然的人。 2015年,#armpithairdontcare运动在Instagram上占据了主导地位,像麦当娜,麦莉赛勒斯和莉娜邓纳姆这样的名人展示了长发。但考虑到名人炫耀自己体毛的决定仍然值得头条新闻,在耻辱完全被打破之前还有很长的路要走。.

比莉's Project Body Hair Campaign
体毛,不在乎.摄影:Billie on Unsplash




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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, I can provide a translation of the article from Chinese to English:

    If you carefully observe any female shaving advertisement in the past 100 years, you will find something missing: body hair. It seems strange that advertisements about hair removal do not include this key aspect of the process, right? Female shaving company Billie noticed this trend, so they decided to take action to change it. The brand launched a new campaign this week to provide body hair for women, making it the first female shaving brand ever. “When we started building this brand, what we did was we went back 100 years and really wanted to understand when women started shaving in America, what the news was about this hair removal, and how brands talked to women about it?” The companys co-founder Georgina Gooley told TODAY Style over the phone. “And what we found was that a lot of it was making women uncomfortable because of shame that they have body hair, and then launching your product so you can sell more razors.” From the beginning, the brand has been focused on “women first” – they sell a subscription for female razors without the controversial “pink tax” that charges womens products more – and they hope their campaign images reflect this spirit. Billie encourages women to share their images with the hashtag #projectbodyhair to further increase representation.

    Consumers have noticed the change in tone. “I love that these ads depict women with visible hair using razors,” Iris Kol told TODAY and pointed out in an Instagram comment that she is considering switching to this brand because of it. “This excites me, we live in a time where even major advertising campaigns show womens bodies in a beautiful, natural state and give us the ability to change our appearance if we want to.” Customers and commenters on Instagram have responded to the ad campaign images, with many noting that they plan to start using the brands razors because of it. “Its important because it shows what real women look like – it helps alleviate the pressure for women to look perfect,” said another new customer of the brand, Emma DArcy. “By sharing more photos of womens hair, it helps reduce the expectation that all women conform to social norms.”

    Billies models are not the only natural ones recently. In 2015, the #armpithairdontcare movement dominated Instagram, with celebrities like Madonna

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