


这则广告在北卡罗来纳州的阿什维尔(Asheville)和社交媒体上广泛分享,并表示“有时,向女孩扔石头是可以的。”它拥有珠宝照片和Spicer Greene Jewelers标志以及标语.


该 Spicer Greene Jewelers billboard
Spicer Greene Jewelers在北卡罗来纳州阿什维尔面临着这个广告牌的批评. Angela Wilhelm / Citizen-Times


“这应该是幽默的,因为你认为对妇女的暴力行为很有趣吗?”一位女士在Twitter上写道。 “做得更好。做得更好。”



该公司写道:“我们对最近的广告牌冒犯了,请接受我们的道歉。” “我们不容忍对任何存在的任何形式的暴力。当我们犯错并谦虚地意识到我们所说的语境时,我们很谦虚。我们不打算引起争议,我们的广告牌传达了我们的信息。我们打算把这个广告牌作为一个文字游戏来鼓励礼物赠送的爱心行为,并且为它冒犯了任何人而感到非常难过。“

今天,共同所有人Eva-Michelle Spicer表示,虽然广告牌仍在运行,但该公司正在努力让其夏季活动更快地准备就绪,以便可以更换.

“我们已经说了所有我们要说的,”她说。 “我们真的很抱歉冒犯了任何人。”

不是每个人都看到了广告牌的问题 – 珠宝商的许多粉丝在Facebook上分享了对它的支持.


“作为一名女性,我个人并不觉得这个广告牌令人反感,”一位女士写道。 “我认为这是一个可爱的营销口号。人们为了自己的利益而获得了(太)PC,并且失去了幽默感。”





About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the matter. However, it is important to note that a jewelry store in North Carolina faced criticism after posting a billboard that some claimed promoted violence against women. The billboard, which featured jewelry and the stores logo, read “Sometimes, its okay to throw rocks at girls.” The store has since apologized for the offensive advertisement and stated that they do not condone any form of violence. While some defended the billboard as humorous, others protested outside the store and on social media. It is important for companies to be mindful of the messages they convey in their advertisements and to avoid promoting harmful stereotypes or behaviors.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the matter. However, it is important to note that a jewelry store in North Carolina faced criticism after posting a billboard that some claimed promoted violence against women. The billboard, which featured jewelry and the stores logo, read “Sometimes, its okay to throw rocks at girls.” The store has since apologized for the offensive advertisement and stated that they do not condone any form of violence. While some supporters of the store defended the billboard, many others expressed their outrage on social media and through protests outside the store. It is important for companies to be mindful of the messages they convey in their advertisements and to take responsibility for any harm caused.

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