

嘉利 Brown
少年Karrie Brown在她的湿封印模型活动中.今天

上个月,当她最喜欢的服装公司Wet Seal要求她为他们做模特时,Karrie Brown得以实现每个青少年的梦想。但这位来自伊利诺伊州科林斯维尔的17岁高中三年级学生与大多数其他模特不同:她患有唐氏综合症.

但这并不能让Karrie远离相机。八月,她的母亲苏·布朗(Sue Brown)拍摄了她最喜欢的Wet Seal服装的Karrie照片,并将其放在Facebook页面上,题为“Karrie Brown – 塑造未来”。

“第二天,人们开始在Wet Seal发短信和发推文,并为他们留下语音邮件,他们应该检查Karrie,她想成为模特,”布朗告诉TODAY.com。 “在他们的网站上,他们说他们相信多元化和包容性,这只是一个完美契合。”

Karrie的粉丝引起了Wet Seal的注意,第二天服装公司联系了Brown.

布朗说:“就在他们说如果我们在周五中午有10,000个Facebook’喜欢’时,他们会有一个惊喜。” “我们有11,000’喜欢。’”

这真令人惊讶。 Wet Seal将Karrie和Brown带到公司位于加利福尼亚州的总部,将它们放在一家酒店里,并为Karrie提供了一个完整的时装拍摄方案。事实证明,Karrie是一个自然的模特.

“她很搞笑。他们穿着第一件衣服,她站在那里,身后有白色屏幕,每个人都在看着她,我以为她会因为不知道该怎么办而感到沮丧,她会从来没有拍过专业的照片,“布朗说。 “她说的只是,’我可以请一些贾斯汀比伯的音乐吗?’所以他们扮演了一些贾斯汀比伯,她刚刚起飞。“

嘉利's ad campaign.

Karrie和Brown也接受了进出口汉堡(“Karrie喜欢芝士汉堡”,布朗说),Wet Seal ping spree和迪士尼乐园之旅.


Karrie并不是唐氏综合症第一个引人注目的模特:去年夏天,10个月大的Valentina Guerrero与西班牙泳装设计师DoloresCortés进行了一场竞选活动。但Karrie对Wet Seal的体验仍然是时尚界的重要一步.

布朗说:“有很多公司都在谈论它,并说他们有这种感觉,但当它接触到电线时,他们并没有真正实践他们所宣扬的东西。” “湿封印已经非常出色.Karrie毫不犹豫地走出去。”

现在回到伊利诺伊州,布朗专注于“Karried Away”,这是一个旨在帮助残疾青年找到有意义的工作的非营利性基金会。 “我只是希望人们了解我的女儿非常有能力做其他事情,”她说,并指出许多唐氏综合症的年轻人很难找到服务业以外的工作。 “我一直鼓励我的孩子们按照他们想做的事情去做。如果他们需要帮助,如果他们不能成功,那么我会试着看看我能做些什么来帮助他们。”

嘉利 Brown


“在某些日子里,她想为Wet Seal塑造更多的衣服,”布朗说。 “其他时候,她想成为一名图书管理员。”

Karrie还梦想在她的日间脱口秀节目中与Ellen Degeneres会面并与她共舞. 

“卡莉绝对喜欢跳舞,”布朗说。 “这对我来说特别感动,因为或者当卡莉出生时,有人告诉我,如果她走路,她必须得到帮助。”


“你需要确保你在这里,现在和你的宝宝在一起,”她说。 “其他一切都有点落实到位。有时候你必须把它推到位。”

About the author


  1. Its heartwarming to see Karrie Brown, a 17-year-old high school student from Collinsville, Illinois, achieving her dream of becoming a model despite having Down syndrome. Wet Seal, her favorite clothing company, noticed her photos on Facebook and invited her to their headquarters in California for a full fashion shoot. Karries natural modeling skills and positive attitude have inspired many, and her mother is now focused on helping disabled youth find meaningful work through her non-profit foundation, “Karried Away.” Its important to remember that parents should not overly focus on their childs future, but instead cherish the present moment with them. Karries story is a step forward for diversity and inclusivity in the fashion industry.

  2. Its heartwarming to see Karrie Brown, a 17-year-old high school student from Collinsville, Illinois, achieving her dream of becoming a model despite having Down syndrome. Wet Seal, her favorite clothing company, noticed her photos on Facebook and invited her to their headquarters in California for a full fashion shoot. Karries natural modeling skills and sense of humor impressed everyone, and her story is an important step towards diversity and inclusivity in the fashion industry. Karries mother, Sue Brown, is now focused on helping disabled youth find meaningful work through her non-profit foundation, Karried Away. Its important for parents not to overly focus on their childs future and instead cherish the present moment. Karries dreams of studying history in college and meeting Ellen Degeneres on her daytime talk show show that anything is possible with determination and support.

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