



多年来,Gretchen,我的老朋友和薄发伙伴,一直是我唯一一个与之交谈的人。 (她是一个缩水,但这不是原因。)我们已经将更加愚蠢的砰砰声一起用于附加头发,并尝试了更多的产品来“加厚无生命的头发”而不是我记得。一切都无济于事。在这里,我们是两个所谓的聪明女性,她们几乎没有化妆,喜欢我们的样子 – 但我们总是在寻找下一个新的发制品或突破。但我们总是远离任何复杂的程序。那最终为我提供了什么尺度?我还不确定我知道。也许这只是一生的渴望,想知道早上醒来时看到凌乱的头发而不是薄薄的,分开的,乱蓬蓬的缕缕是什么感觉.

我在纽约州怀特普莱恩斯的常规沙龙与一位造型师约会,名为D’Aprilia。 Diane DeNapoli接受了Great Lengths的培训,该公司表示将为名人Jennifer Lopez,Halle Berry和Britney Spears添加扩展名.


她带我走过每一步,并解释说使用蛋白质聚合物和不会损伤头发的热量将头发粘在或粘在头发上。几根头发一次粘合在一起。黛安告诉我,头发粘合的地方可能会感觉有点奇怪 – 就像钉子扩展一样“ – 但很快就会习惯它。她还不断提醒我,我会变得丰满和密度,而不是身高。每隔一个小时左右,她就会让我起身走动。粘合过程需要四个小时.

我们都对她所穿的头发质量感到满意。(因为我的头发还有一些烫发,Diane决定在穿上之前烫发Great Lengths头发,所以我可以把头发卷曲或者吹掉结果证明这是一个了不起的想法。)


最后,我确实喜欢有更多的头发,但我花了一些时间来习惯触摸聚合物“连接器”。我喜欢这样的事实,我的头发看起来像我一直想要的 – 或者差不多。我真正喜欢的是像我女儿一样的厚发,长而卷曲的头发。但这永远不会发生.





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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    After a lifetime of fine, “nonexistent” hair that always required teasing and styling to achieve any volume, I did it: I have hair extensions. I have 200 strands of hair glued onto my short hair. Does it make a difference? My hair enhancement has been going on for almost two weeks now, but I still secretly look at myself and believe that I really experienced it. It looks great, and my thin hair has extended my life. Just a few days ago, I was going to meet a friend for lunch when suddenly it started to rain. Without an umbrella, I instinctively ducked into a doorway because even a few drops of water were enough to make my hair flat and limp. For those of us who are “seriously challenged,” getting caught in any bad weather is a nightmare. Then I remembered that I didnt have to hide from the rain. I just rubbed my hair and continued walking. Its great. Absolutely first! For years, Gretchen, my old friend and thin hair partner, has been the only person I talk to. (Shes a shrink, but thats not the reason.) Weve used more stupid bangs together and tried more products to “thicken lifeless hair” than I remember. Nothing worked. Here, we are two so-called smart women who hardly wear makeup and like our looks – but were always looking for the next new hair product or breakthrough. But we always stay away from any complicated procedures. What did that ultimately give me? Im not sure I know. Maybe its just a lifelong desire to know what it feels like to wake up in the morning and see messy hair instead of thin, parted, messy strands. I had a regular salon date with a stylist named DAprilia in White Plains, New York. Diane DeNapoli was trained by Great Lengths, a company that claims to add extensions to celebrities Jennifer Lopez, Halle Berry, and Britney Spears. Even so, when I sat in the chair, my bravado quickly disappeared when I made the appointment. Surprisingly, the whole process was very personal and emotional. At first, I was a little embarrassed and didnt want to talk to Diane; I just wanted her to do her thing and finish it. She insisted that I talk about how I wanted my

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