

Marybeth Eustice已经订婚了六年,一再推迟婚礼日期。每当她想到计划她的婚礼时,她都会被压力所克服。甚至决定选择伴娘的人似乎也是一种负担.

去年11月,这对夫妇决定最终结婚 – 但不邀请任何人.

“我们只是希望它与我们有关,”来自佛罗里达州奥兰多市的29岁牙医助理尤斯蒂斯说。 “在大型婚礼上,我注意到新娘和新郎正在招待客人,并且不会花很多时间在一起 – 我们喜欢花时间在一起。而且,这真的是关于[我们]在一天结束“。

科罗拉多州Vail的Frosted Pink Weddings的老板Kelly Karli表示,正如婚礼策划人员所说的那样,两人婚礼是一种不断增长的趋势。 “它越来越多地出现,”Karli告诉TODAY.com.


随着经济的挣扎,夫妻俩仍然希望结婚 – 他们想要的不仅仅是法院的私奔。新娘想要昂贵的衣服,美丽的花束,摄影师和鲜花。但有些夫妻愿意削减一笔费用吗?客人.


“你可以吃一顿非常棒的晚餐和最好的内圆角或最好的葡萄酒,”她说。 “你可以举办你想要的婚礼。”


的 her fall nuptials, MaryBeth Eustice said
在她的秋季婚礼中,MaryBeth Eustice说:“我们只是希望它是关于我们的。”MaryBeth Eustice /今天
Andrea Eppolito计划在拉斯维加斯四季酒店为她自己,她的丈夫和她的孩子举办一场奢华的婚礼.礼貌Andrea Eppolito /今天

拉斯维加斯的婚礼策划师安德里亚·埃波利托(Andrea Eppolito)非常喜欢规划这些较小的婚礼,她决定在去年秋天有一个自己.

“这是我最喜欢的趋势之一,”这位35岁的新人说道。 “这是关于你,你的生活,你的关系,以及对你们两个人来说最重要的事情。在一天结束时,这就是你们的婚姻应该是什么。”

Eppolito在生完孩子两个月后不想参加大型招待会 – 特别是因为她的父亲无法前往将她送走。但她仍然订购了一件Ulla-Maija高级定制礼服,完成了她的头发和化妆,预订了花店,并在拉斯维加斯四季酒店选择了一份奢华的菜单。.


“然后我会穿Vera,”她说。 “或者Reem Acra。”


不过,并非所有人的家人都对这一趋势充满信心。小学老师Amanda Mace的父母对未收到邀请表示失望.


“我母亲和父亲最担心的是,’我们担心你有一天会后悔,’”梅斯说。 “我有点害羞。我不需要聚光灯……我想要记住我们两个人。”

35岁的Leigh McLeod看着她姐姐打算筹划一场盛大的招待会。她越是想到这一点,麦克劳德越是意识到她想要结婚,而不是过度婚礼.


去年十月,麦克劳德买了一件婚纱,挑了一束 – 在她的未婚夫离婚结束后的一周,他们结婚了,只有他们两个.






从 Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively to Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel, check out which celebs said
从Ryan Reynolds和Blake Lively到Justin Timberlake和Jessica Biel,查看哪些名人今年说“我愿意”.Dave M. Benett / Getty Images /今天

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion, but I can provide a translation of the article in Chinese:

    Marybeth Eustice has been engaged for six years and has repeatedly postponed the wedding date. Whenever she thinks about planning her wedding, she is overwhelmed by pressure. Even deciding who to choose as bridesmaids seems like a burden. Last November, the couple finally decided to get married – but without inviting anyone. “We just want it to be about us,” said the 29-year-old dental assistant from Orlando, Florida. “At a large wedding, I noticed that the bride and groom were entertaining guests and not spending a lot of time together – we like to spend time together. And, it really is about [us] at the end of the day.” Kelly Karli, owner of Frosted Pink Weddings in Vail, Colorado, says that as wedding planners say, the trend of two-person weddings is a growing trend. “Its becoming more and more common,” Karli told TODAY.com. Less is more? Despite economic struggles, couples still want to get married – and they want more than just a courthouse elopement. The bride wants an expensive dress, a beautiful bouquet, a photographer, and flowers. But are some couples willing to cut costs? Guests. Karli explains that one benefit of planning a “just us” wedding is that you have more flexibility in your budget. “You can have a really great dinner and the best wine or the best dessert,” she said. “You can have the wedding you want.” But she says the biggest benefit is no pressure. They dont have to deal with seating charts, arguing relatives, uncles who cant eat from the menu, or grandmothers who hate the centerpiece. At her fall wedding, MaryBeth Eustice said, “We just want it to be about us.” Andrea Eppolito plans to have a luxurious wedding at the Four Seasons Hotel in Las Vegas for herself, her husband, and her children. Courtesy Andrea Eppolito / TODAY Las Vegas wedding planner Andrea Eppolito loves planning these smaller weddings and decided to have one of her own last fall. “Its one of my favorite trends,” said the 35-year-old bride. “Its about you, your life, your relationship, and whats most important to you two. At the end of the day, thats what your marriage should be.” Eppolito

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